We want share a few events and opportunities personally for you, including a career fair, two in person events, and an excellent panel to help you navigate your career:

Arena Community,


We hope you had a restorative holiday. As you already know, December is one of the most important times of the year to expand your network and set yourself up for success in 2024. We want share a few events and opportunities personally for you, including a career fair, two in person events, and an excellent panel to help you navigate your career:


December 7th, 3:30-8:00pm ET (Washington, DC)
Happy Hour: Join Arena, Generation Data, Change the Game, and BlueBonnet Data for a Holiday Happy Hour. We’re hosting a Holiday Happy Hour in Washington, D.C. on December 7 from 3:30 to 8:00 pm ET. All alumni of Arena, Generation Data, Change the Game, and BlueBonnet Data are welcome. You'll meet fellow trained staff and employers looking to hire in the space.
Learn more and RSVP here >>>

December 9th, 8:00pm ET (New York, NY)
Arena Reunion: Join the Arena Reunion in New York. Arena Community -- let’s get together to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the very first Arena Summit! To celebrate and to help Arena fill a significant budget gap in this critical election year, we’re hosting a reunion party on December 9 in New York City. We would love to see you there. If you can’t make it, please consider making a donation of any amount.

RSVP here>>>

December 9th, 6:30-7:30pm ET (Virtual)
Digital Careers Fair: We're hosting a Careers Fair with the leading digital firms, campaigns and organizations staffing up digital roles. Whether you're joining for our December 201 or simply looking to build your network, you won't want to miss this opportunity.
RSVP to attend as a job seeker here >>>
RSVP to attend as an employer here >>>

December 13th, 6:00-7:00pm ET (Virtual) 
Making the Leap to Consulting: As you’re evaluating next steps in your career, you may be wondering how folks have moved from more cyclical campaign employment to more stable jobs at consulting firms. Arena's own June Borst will be discussing this topic with Arena favorites Nick Daggers, Salim Shariff, and Maura Tracy. If you'd like to learn how current industry professionals made the transition from campaigns to consulting and what you can expect, this panel is for you!

RSVP here >>>

We can’t thank you enough for all the incredible work that you’ve done this year. As the year comes to a close, we always appreciate it if you would consider a small donation, if it’s $10, $25 or more, so we can fully fund participant scholarships and cover trainer fees in 2024.


This year has been tough for organizations across the country -- your continuing support is critical for giving us the resources to train the next generation of political staff in this important election year.


Looking forward to seeing you there,


Aziz Yakub (he/him) |  Director of Career Development
June Borst (they/them) | Talent Associate
& Team Arena


P.S. As you’re tackling your job search, make sure to submit your resume to the🔥Arena Talent Bank🔥. Having trouble finding your next role? Sick of not hearing about the latest Democratic campaign jobs? Submit your resume to the🔥The Arena Talent Bank🔥today >>>


P.P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Post-Election Resources to navigate your next steps after your campaign ends. Check them out here >>>