Donate to help elect Anna Kaplan to replace George Santos →

We can’t overstate the importance of this moment, John: The first battleground race in the fight to take back the House in 2024 is underway — and Democrats have a real chance to win this thing.

[Donate to help Democrats take back the House →]

After George Santos was ousted from Congress, the seat for NY-03 is wide open and it’s ripe for the taking.

This is a Biden district. This seat was held by Democrats for 10 years before George Santos lied his way into winning the race. And it will be held by a Democrat again when Anna Kaplan wins the special election to fill this seat.

But this election will be happening soon, John, so this is extremely urgent: Will you rush a donation of any amount to help elect Anna Kaplan and take back the House? Please, donate before midnight so we can put your generous contribution to work right away:


Thank you for helping us take back the House,

Team Kaplan HQ


Anna Kaplan is running to unseat George Santos in New York's 3rd District. To learn more about Anna, watch her brand new campaign ad here, and please consider donating to her campaign. If you believe you received this message in error, please unsubscribe at the bottom. 
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Anna Kaplan for New York
130 Shore Road
P.O. Box 116
Port Washington, NY 11050
United States
Paid for by Anna Kaplan for New York