Plus, listen to Mark Reynolds on a new podcast; ask your newspaper to
write an editorial
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CCL Weekly Briefing, Aug. 7, 2019
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Table of Contents:
Republicans speak to Senate
Media: LTE in USA Today
This week on the CCL blog
Training topics
Action Team updates
Republicans testify to Senate climate committee
Congress is off for their August recess this month. But before they
left, a Senate climate committee invited several Republicans to share
their thoughts on climate change. One of those Republicans was CCL
volunteer Nick Huey.
Watch and share clips of Nick's powerful testimony on Facebook
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, Twitter
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and Instagram
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, or head to CCL Community to watch his entire statement.
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You can also check out GOP pollster Frank Luntz sharing his story
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about a wildfire that nearly took his home. He says unequivocally about
climate change: "It is happening."
Other news this week:
CCL abroad: A new international chapter has launched in Nigeria at the
University of Abuja. Check out these recent updates
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about all of CCL's international work.
Climate pod: CCL's Mark Reynolds just appeared on a new podcast called
The Climate Pod. Listen in!
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Media: USA Today letter, editorial opportunity
CCL volunteer Bob Taylor recently got a letter to the editor published
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in USA Today, which has an approximate daily readership of 2.6 million.
Bob's letter reads, in part, "Transitioning to clean energy will require
a moonshot approach. Republicans and Democrats will have to work
together." Bob references the Energy Innovation Act, pointing out, "It
would grow the economy, drive innovation and motivate other nations to
adopt similar policies. It cannot wait."
CCL volunteers are regularly activating the " five levers
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" of political will in their communities. This month, it's a great time
to contact your newspaper's editorial board and ask them to write an
editorial supporting the Energy Innovation Act. CCL's Communications
team has created a new media resource to help you do this. Head to the
"Working with Media" forum on CCL Community to learn more.
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This week on the CCL blog
LA County endorses H.R. 763: The most populous county in the United
States recently passed a resolution endorsing the Energy Innovation Act,
thanks to coordinated efforts from volunteers in five local chapters.
Read more.
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Volunteer Spotlight - Dr. Kenya Goodson: Dr. Kenya L. Goodson leads
CCL's Tuscaloosa, Alabama, chapter. She also helps with community and
political engagement through her church, the Tuscaloosa Democratic
Party, and the Black Warrior Riverkeeper. Read more.
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Did you miss the mayors' endorsement? A few weeks ago, the U.S.
Conference of Mayors endorsed carbon pricing. The vote was covered in
several media outlets, and volunteers praised their mayors for their
support. Read more.
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Training topics
CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for
existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers.
Here are the next few sessions you can join:
8/8 Citizens' Climate University: Bringing Community Leaders to Lobby
Meetings - CCLers across the country have brought influential leaders
into meetings with their members of Congress. Join this training to hear
their experiences and get ready to try it yourself. Learn more.
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8/13 Core Volunteer Training: Social Media Basics - You and your
chapters can use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in specific ways that
advance your climate advocacy. CCL staff will teach you how! Learn more.
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8/15 Citizens' Climate University: Fun, Culture, & Community Building
With Your Chapter - Want to incorporate more fun and community building
into your group meetings and local activities? Join this training to
hear examples of what's worked for other CCL chapters around the
country. Learn more.
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To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics
page of CCL Community
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Action Team updates
Featured Action Team: L ed by Karina Ramirez (pictured), the People of
the Global Majority Action Team is a community for people of color (who
make up the global majority) to gather, share stories, support each
other and express political will. The team's next meeting will be on
Monday, August 12, at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
You can learn about and join the team on the People of the Global
Majority Action Team page
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. If you are not a person of color but want to support greater diversity
in CCL, check out CCL's Climate and Culture Action Team
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, which is open to all.
Other upcoming Action Team calls…
8/7 - Climate and Culture Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
8/12 - Conservative Caucus Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
8/14 - Team OIL Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
8/14 - Grasstops Engagement Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT
Visit the full event calendar for dial-in details and future events
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To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you,
head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
Get CCL in Your Inbox
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training,
and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
Join Info Session
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at
1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your
local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
Register for Core Volunteer Training
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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