What's worse? These unimaginable horrors or the world braying for Jewish rape and blood? Mass psychopathy: cheering these monstrous crimes while hand wringing and caterwauling about Gaza civilians when the large majority of Gazans support Hamas, support ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Horrific New Stories of Hamas Atrocities in Israel Surface, Including Rape of ‘Beautiful Woman with Face of Angel’ Who Screamed To Be Killed
  What's worse? These unimaginable horrors or the world braying for Jewish rape and blood? Mass psychopathy: cheering these monstrous crimes while hand wringing and caterwauling about Gaza civilians when the large majority of Gazans support Hamas, ...

Iran-Backed Terrorist Group ATTACKS American Warship and Multiple Commercial Ships
An American warship, the USS Carney, and multiple commercial ships have come under attack in the Red Sea, the Pentagon says.

Biden is giving Iran BILLIONS. No one respects weakness. The “strong horse” instills fear. Never would have ...

Hamas’ Devastating Weapon of War: Western Media
Legacy media outlets have been doing Hamas’s filthy work for it. An industry of lies. Melanie Phillips breaks it down.

Look at the smug, superior Britishness becoming sad and downcast when its attempt to lord it over an Israeli is shot down ...

Biden Regime To Withhold Money From Schools Unless They Go Woke
Pull your children out of government public school cesspools. Before you lose them.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proposed a new rule under the Biden Administration that would withhold federal lunch funding from public ...

The Biden Regime’s Epic Betrayal of Israel
The ceasefire charade is over for now, Hamas has had a chance to regroup, and the Israelis are determined now to finish the job and destroy the threat from the bloodthirsty jihad group forever. The Biden regime, however, is telling them to ease up, ...

Biden Regime Imposes Visa Ban on “Violent” Jews From Judea and Samaria
While welcoming terrorists from jihad nations who are streaming across our border. Gird your loins.

The premise of the ban is to prevent Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria who have been implicated in “violence” (perhaps self defense)? ...

Denmark Deploys Army to Protect Synagogues
Wow. And the left stands with these 21st century Nazis.


Denmark deploys army to protect synagogues and Israeli embassy

Denmark deploys army to protect synagogues and Israeli ...

Muslim Terrorists Bomb Catholic Mass in Philippines, 4 DEAD, At Least 50 Wounded
Germany, France, Ireland … jihad is on fire.

All legacy media reports omit the perps and their motive.

You can censor reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of censoring reality.


Muslim terrorists bombed ...

US Immigration Reaching 15 Percent Milestone, New Record With No End In Sight
The most significant and crushing reality to Biden's invasion is, unlike past waves of mass immigration to this country, we don't know who is coming in and unlike previous immigration waves,  the U.S. didn’t have a huge welfare state – ...

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