This is huge.

This is huge, team.

The Cook Political Report – one of the most respected names in politics – has upgraded our chances of defeating Lauren Boebert.

Our race against Lauren Boebert has officially moved from “Lean Republican” to true “Toss-Up!”

If you’re all-in to help me send Lauren Boebert packing in 2024, then please, chip in $5 or more to my campaign right now.

This is going to be a tough race. I’m running in a district that leans Republican by 8 or 9 percentage points.

But last year, we came just 546 votes shy of defeating Lauren Boebert. It was the closest race in the entire country, and the latest poll shows another extremely close race: 50% to 48%.

A huge part of why we lost in 2022 was just that we got out-spent by millions and millions of dollars – and Boebert’s allies are preparing to spend even more this time to tell ridiculous lies about me on every television across the district.

I’ve already clocked over 40,000 miles in my red pickup truck, meeting with thousands of voters across the district. But if we’re going to counter the Super PAC lies and win, I’m counting on grassroots donors like you to give right now:

I’m not taking a dime from corporate PACs, so I have nowhere else to turn. Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford – to help me defeat Lauren Boebert and finally stop the angertainment circus in Washington?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Your support is what has gotten us this far. We cannot let up now.

Thank you so much for everything.

With gratitude -