Supporting Bill Prohibiting the Biden Administration From Using Federal Funds to House Illegal Aliens in National Parks |
While law-abiding Americans deal with Bidenflation, ILLEGAL ALIENS get FREE travel, medical care, school, and more.
If that isn't disgraceful enough, Biden’s housing them in our schools, airports, and NOW national parks.
Last week, I voted to prohibit the use of ANY taxpayer dollars on this.
Biden's Electric Vehicle Push Speeds Past Market Demand |
Biden continues demanding EVs as auto dealers struggle to sell them to a consumer base that’s uninterested in buying them.
This president must end his foolish war on fossil fuels and wake up to the fact that they are the only reliable energy source!
Internal Docs Show the Biden Administration Waived Taxpayer Safeguards to Boost Offshore Wind Project |
This White House has no problem trampling upon American taxpayers to advance its green agenda.
But we shouldn't be shocked since the same administration continues to force hard-working U.S. citizens to foot the bill for the border crisis without a second thought.
Holding the Biden Administration Accountable |
The Biden administration has chosen SBTi, a foreign company – with ZERO Americans on its board – to arbitrarily determine U.S. companies' greenhouse gas emissions standards.
Aside from the fact this puts our businesses at a severe disadvantage – how does it make ANY sense?!
Americans Are Paying Thousands More Yearly Just to Afford the Basics |
Americans are paying an additional $11,434 a year thanks to Bidenomics – an economic nightmare.
Army Scrambling to Get Back Soldiers Kicked Out Over Biden's Vaccine Mandate |
Thanks to Biden’s covid vaccine mandate, thousands of service members were kicked out of the military.
Mix that with the DOD’s woke policies that prioritize racial ideology over readiness – it’s no wonder recruitment numbers continue to plummet.
Video Shows Boat Full of Illegals Landing on Malibu Beach |
Biden’s negligence at the southern border has only enabled situations like this to occur.
Are these illegal criminals? Cartel members? Terrorists? We’ll never know.
House Passes Bill to Permanently Freeze $6 Billion in Iranian Funds |
In no reality should the world’s lead sponsor of terrorism be given $6 billion.
Yet, Joe Biden is fighting to do just that.
On Thursday, I voted for the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act to permanently freeze this money and stop the administration’s recklessness.
Evidence Continues to Mount Against Joe Biden |
With the mounting evidence – it's looking more and more like we have an unregistered foreign agent as President of the United States.
Disney’s Financial Statements Show Company Has Risked Profits for Woke Politics |
Go woke, go broke!
This should serve as a wake-up call to all corporations bending the knee to wokeness: Americans are sick of spending their hard-earned money and being force-fed a radical agenda in return.
Majority of Americans Not Buying White House's Economic Message |
Since Biden took office, prices have risen 17.1%.
The fact that the White House still attempts to spin Bidenomics as anything other than an utter failure is mind-blowing.
Another Train Overflowing With Illegals Headed to Southern Border |
Another train overflowing with migrants is making its way to our southern border, where they’ll cross into the country unlawfully.
And because of Biden’s deliberate failure to secure America – they’ll disappear into the interior, never to be seen again.
The PRINTS Act (H.R. 6522)
Summary: This bill combats human trafficking by allowing CBP agents to fingerprint non-citizens under the age of 14 to prevent “child recycling” at the southern border.
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