Action alert from

In 48 hours, our small but powerful team at the COP28 climate negotiations will publicly display the petition for 100% renewable energy, and your name may not be included yet!

Can you join thousands of us from around the world to show pressure is growing fast?

Sign our petition for 100% renewable energy

World leaders are in Dubai right now deciding our future - and campaigners are there advocating. Our team is talking to everyone they can, bringing the latest research, educating, and correcting the narrative set by fossil fuel companies – all to push leaders to end coal, oil, and gas and transition to 100% renewable energy.

We want a fast, fair and just transformation to 100% renewable energy. Over 10,000 people in 63 countries have come together for Power Up to demand the renewable energy future we need, and the pressure is on leaders.

John, we have 48 hours left.  Can you sign before we display all the names in Dubai?  Every new signature today shows demand is growing.

Sign our petition for 100% renewable energy and stand with thousands of 350 supporters in over 140 countries

We want a future that learns from the past's mistakes and ensures that every step toward sustainability is also a step toward equity. Together, let’s tell our U.S. leaders that it’s time we commit to 100% renewables and take accountability for creating a safer, more just world.

Our planet's future is still in our hands. So please add your name to power up for 100% renewable energy.


Deborah for

Sign the petition
Why we are 350: Scientists overwhelmingly agree that 350ppm CO2 is the upper limit to sustain life as humans have lived it. For more than 800,000 years atmospheric CO2 varied between roughly 180 to 280ppm.
   Earth passed 350ppm CO2 during 1988!  

Mauna Loa Observatory - We are now in the 420ppm range!

CO2 readings from Mauna Loa show failure to combat climate change
 - The Guardian
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350 Milwaukee, 4142 Newhall St. Shorewood, WI 53211 is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.

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