If this bill were law in the 1900s, the Grand Canyon National Park wouldn’t exist as it does today. I’m referring to the Mining Regulatory and Clarity Act, which is the largest mining industry handout since 1872. Here’s just how bad this law would be:
Our precious public lands would be open for ANYONE to purchase absolute rights to occupy the land forever. They could build roads and pipelines through culturally and environmentally significant lands and waters. The bill even gives people the right to bury our public lands under tons of toxic waste.
Our outdated mining laws offer no environmental or community protection. Reforms are needed, but this bill would only make matters worse -- and it might pass unless environmentalists like YOU help us stop it! Please, Friend, send a message to your Congressmembers: say NO to mining industry handouts and reform our outdated mining laws to protect people and public lands! >>
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This bill could be used to BLOCK clean energy projects -- meaning the mining and fossil fuel industries would have another weapon to fight renewable energy. Someone who wants to stop a solar or wind project could file a claim to land in the path of the green project and be given an absolute right to stop it from moving forward.
Instead of protecting our public lands, there would be an increase in hardrock mining – which consistently releases more toxic chemicals than any other industry. According to the EPA, 40% of Western headwaters are polluted by mining. People drink from water that could be contaminated with mining pollution. This bill would only make it worse. Tell Congress to OPPOSE the Mining Regulatory and Clarity Act and support environmentally-safe mining laws!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil Fuels Program Manager,
Friends of the Earth