This pro-voter movement is only possible because of activists like you. 

Let me start by saying thank you.

As we kick off December, I wanted to share how incredibly grateful we are for your support. In my time at Fair Fight Action, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful it is when supporters like you come together to help make elections freer and fairer. Whether you’ve spoken out in support of pro-democracy laws and against voter suppression, or chipped in when you can, I want to thank you.

This pro-voter movement is only possible because of activists like you. 

Together, we’ve made major strides fighting back against voter suppression. And we’ve put up a massive effort to ensure every voter has an equal opportunity to make their voice heard and be fairly represented. 

At the same time, we’re also merely a matter of weeks from the beginning of 2024. Our team is laying the groundwork now to remove barriers between voters and the ballot box — in Georgia and around the nation — in this critical election year.

As we get ready for another busy cycle, we’re grateful for your support — it helps make all of this work possible. Thank you again for being a part of this grassroots team.


Maya C. 
Deputy Executive Director, Fair Fight Action