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Weekend Edition, December 2-3, 2023


Let’s Support LRC

Those Who Fall for the ‘Right Wing/Libertarian-Leaning’ Election Madness Are Acting as Absolute Fools!

Gary D. Barnett

Stupid Kill Money

L. Reichard White

Coming Soon: The Dethroning of Human Intelligence

George F. Smith

Troye Conspiracy Theories

Matt Taibbi

The Immorality of Protectionism

Ryan McMaken

Daydreaming While Reading Jonathan Crary’s 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep

Edward Curtin

Blind Luck?

Theodore Dalrymple

Data From US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health

Steve Kirsch

The Magic Moment

James Howard Kunstler

US Trade Deficit 2024

Alasdair Macleod

Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture

Peter Koenig

Speaker Mike Johnson – A Wolf of the Rhino Uniparty Cabal

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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