"Known to police. ' Not that that ever matters. When Trump was President, the global jihad did not mess with the "strong horse. " But nowthe West is weak so expect more of this bloodshed.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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TERROR IN PARIS: Muslim Terrorist Shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Goes on Stabbing Spree By Eiffel Tower, One DEAD, Two Injured
“Known to police.' Not that that ever matters. When Trump was President, the global jihad did not mess with the “strong horse.” But now the West is weak so expect more of this bloodshed.

And over in Germany, police foil Islamic terror ...

German Police Foil Islamic Terror Plot to Attack Synagogue and Christmas Market
Paris, now this. First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.

German police have made a string of arrests of Muslim terrorists who were planning attacks on the country’s famed Christmas markets, evoking memories of the December 19, 2016 ...

MORE HARM: Biden Regime Commits to Shutting Down Its Coal Plants To Tackle “Climate” Hoax
Not for nothing but coal fuels EV.s Where do they think electricity comes from? These people are nuts.

They just don't stop. It's a frenzied war against this great country and they won't stop until we're finished. Kaput.

We see how these ...

Two More Hostages Confirmed Murdered By Hamas
This is who the world is defending..

Two more Israeli captives confirmed murdered by Hamas

By: i24 News, December 1, 2023:

The Israeli army on Friday confirmed the deaths of seven hostages held in Gaza, saying their families had been ...

Liberated Hamas Hostage Details Horrific Treatment
On October 7, the day Hamas terrorists began their attacks along the Gaza border, Jimmy Pacheko was taken hostage. After more than 50 days as a prisoner of Hamas, he's finally home and he's sharing his story of survival and his gratitude to God for ...

Woke Millennial Leftist Feminist Justifies Qur’an’s Call to Beat Disobedient Women
As I have long said, the feminist movement is anti-women, rooted in Lenin Marxist dogma. The “women’s movement” has done incalculable harm to women.

Millennials are malformed malcontents, America's most intellectually bankrupt ...

GORGEOUS! Massive Layoffs Underway at CONDE NAST Including The New Yorker, Vanity Fair et al
They abandoned their mission and became unreadable agitprop for the far left destroyers. They deserve the dustbin.

Great American companies that led the world in entertainment, culture, media etc self inflicted fatal damage in pursuit of ...

Pro-Hamas NBC ‘Journalist’ Arrested By Israeli Government
Marwat Al-Azza is a Palestinian woman who lives, quite comfortably, in east Jerusalem, under a secure government of laws, so different from the rule of the Hamas dictators in Gaza or the dictatorship of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. She has ...

Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines’ Elections
Without election reform here in America, it's over.

Voting Company Smartmatic Banned From Philippines' Elections

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Newsmax, 29 November 2023:

fThe Philippines' Commission on Elections (COMELEC) moved Wednesday to ban ...

Video Evidence From Jan 6th Committee “Vanished”
“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone.”

People's lives have been destroyed, five of those Americans politically persecuted for attending the election integrity march have committed suicide, and the underlying evidence has been ...

US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health Shows COVID Vaccines Have Killed Millions
Democrats continue to wage war on the American people , mandating these dangerous vaccines with their serial lying and censorship of the truth.

European countries halted Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for young people

Data from US Medicare and ...

Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study
Everything the Democrats mandated was harmful (or in the case of the vaccine, lethal.)

Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection, contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask ...

Biden Regime Paid Media Outlets To Promote The Covid Vaccine
Dr. Robert Malone writes: “When a government feels that it is acceptable to deploy modern PsyOps technology on its citizens, then the whole concept of elections as a check on tyranny becomes both irrelevant and obsolete.

And if they are ...

London City Council Embarrassed into Immediate U-Turn, Reinstates Annual Chanukah Lighting After Cancellation Sparked Outrage
The new normal – Muslim antisemites dictate council policy.


Embarrassing U-turn for London council that was slammed by Jewish groups after it cancelled lighting

Hanukkah ...

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