December is officially here -- for many, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But for gray wolves and grizzly bears, it’s one of the toughest. The harsh winds, freezing cold temperatures, and layers of snow make winter a highly vulnerable time for wolves and bears, especially for wolf pups and bear cubs who are too weak and fragile to survive on their own.
Right now, mama grizzlies are preparing their nursing dens for hibernation season, and gray wolves are gathering together to ensure the greatest chance of survival together as a pack. But while wolves and bears are doing everything they can to ensure their survival for the long winter ahead, vicious trophy hunters are making preparations of their own…
They are stocking up on loads of dangerous weapons -- guns, ammo, steel leg traps, bait, choking snares, and more -- with ruthless plans to target and BRUTALLY KILL innocent wolves and bears at their weakest and most vulnerable.
Friend, gray wolves and grizzly bears are two of the most treasured symbols of North American wilderness -- and they deserve to be safe from inhumane and violent trophy hunters who are intent on wiping them out. Please don’t let these beloved animals down when they’re counting on us for their survival. TAKE ACTION NOW: Demand federal protections for gray wolves and grizzly bears before it’s too late to save them >>
Nature on this planet is truly fascinating, Friend. As temperatures drop, wolves grow thick fur coats and will curl their tails over their snouts to filter and catch their warm breath. Bears use their fat stores as energy and can even lower their own body temperature during hibernation to keep themselves warm!
Sadly, these incredible natural evolutionary adaptations that are designed to help gray wolves and grizzly bears survive the long winter, are not enough to compete with the powerful machinery and artillery that trophy hunters use to TORMENT and MURDER. Even the most agile of animals would not be able to dodge rapid fire gun bullets traveling at THOUSANDS of miles per hour. And how would an unsuspecting wolf or bear even try to defend themselves against explosive dynamite thrown into their dens to BLOW THEM UP while they sleep?
No animal deserves to suffer inhumane and cruel death at the hands of merciless trophy hunters -- but even since the Trump administration rolled back critical Endangered Species Act (ESA), some states allow these SAVAGE killing methods to remain completely LEGAL.
Entire packs of gray wolves and hundreds of grizzly bears have already been MASSACRED by brutal trophy hunters. Now, corrupt GOP politicians and their hunting lobby allies want to REMOVE ESA protections even further -- which could be what finally pushes these two iconic species to EXTINCTION. Will you fight back against extremist attempts to dismantle life-saving ESA protections and help keep gray wolves and grizzly bears safe from violent trophy hunters? Add your name now before the petition deadline at 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT >>
Your voice and your action could help save innocent gray wolves and grizzly bears from unimaginable death.
Thanks for your support,
Friends of the Earth