Friend --

Members of DSA-LA and Other Comrades,

At our most recent meeting, the members of the DSA-LA steering committee voted unanimously that given the current COVID-19 virus public health emergency,we will now be holding most meetings online.

For updates regarding the developing situation please refer to:

  1. Center for Disease Control (CDC) website
  2. World Health Organization (WHO) website

We did not take this decision lightly, but we believe it is in the best interests of our membership and the wider LA community to limit large gatherings at this time. We hope to resume in-person meetings as soon as possible. We will follow up with further updates regarding specific events, such as the upcoming March chapter meeting, which will be held online and be made available to all members via Zoom.

In Solidarity,

Your Steering Committee of DSA-LA


Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles ? 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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