From Anthony Bellotti @ WCW <[email protected]>
Subject Can’t thank you enough.
Date December 2, 2023 8:03 PM
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Bless you. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Thank You, Taxpayer!

Taxpayer, fundraising over the last few days was
difficult. Things were looking hairy.

But you stepped up. And we hit our Giving Tuesday goal. THANK YOU!

WCW exposed NIH’s balloon swallowing and cat waterboarding lab in Louisville.
Now, we’ll keep the pressure on until we END it!

Taxpayer, when I first started this bold new movement to
get the U.S. government out of the animal testing business, no one would have
believed how much you and I would accomplish.

Everyone shook their heads and doubted us, saying “Taxpayer, this is how it’s always been done, and you
can’t make a difference.”

But YOU believed, Taxpayer. So did 3,000,000 taxpayers
and pet owners in our grassroots army.

Now, our movement has grown into something spectacular… it’s a full-scale taxpayer revolt!

Your progress report below serves as proof, Taxpayer.

Don’t forget, I once worked in an animal lab. I was inspired to do something
about this problem. I still am.

Taxpayer, as long as YOU stay in this fight, my team will
have the resources to keep WINNING for puppies, dolphins, sea lions, monkeys,
primates, kittens, and all animals in wasteful government labs.

You Give. We Win. They Survive.


Click here to read this blog online
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Bipartisan Lawmakers Push to Zero Out NIH’s In-House Dog and Cat Labs

* In recent years, White Coat Waste Project’s campaigns have cut the NIH’s
in-house dog experimentation by 95%
* WCW exposed how last year, 37 beagle puppies were abused in the NIH’s Beltway
labs for painful experiments in which they were intentionally infected with
pneumonia, bled out, and then killed.
* This NIH testing lab previously bought beagle puppies from the disgraced
Envigo puppy mill
* Now, Republicans and Democrats are pushing to zero out all in-house dog and
cat testing at the NIH

Since the White Coat Waste Project first exposed
[[link removed]] the National Institutes of Health’s cruel in-house dog labs back in 2016 and
launched a bipartisan campaign to shut them down, the NIH’s abuse of dogs in the
Beltway has been cut by a staggering 95 percent. Now, we’re working with
Republicans and Democrats in Congress to cut NIH’s in-house canine and kitten
cruelty by a full 100 percent.

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Working with WCW, Waste Warrior Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL)
[[link removed]] has just introduced a bipartisan amendment
[[link removed]] to the NIH’s 2024 spending bill to defund the NIH’s painful in-house
experimentation on dogs and cats.

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The amendment is being cosponsored by Reps. Dina Titus (D-NV)
[[link removed]] –who has led on this issue with WCW since 2016
[[link removed]] and helped shut down dog and cat tests at the VA—as well as Troy Nehls (R-TX), Jared Moskowitz (D-FL)
[[link removed]] and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).

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We’re proud that this WCW-backed amendment is one of 10 bipartisan ones out of over 300 total amendments that were submitted
[[link removed]] for the NIH spending bill (including others we support to crack down on NIH animal tests
[[link removed]] )! The bill is expected to be voted on by the full House next week.

When our effort began in 2016, the NIH was strapping capsules full of biting
sandflies to beagles’ bare skin in painful experiments and intentionally
withholding pain relief. WCW obtained the documents and the disturbing pictures to prove it.
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Those tests have since been ended ( at least in-house
[[link removed]] ), but last year, we discovered that another NIH in-house lab bought beagles from the disgraced Envigo puppy mill
[[link removed]] for ongoing septic shock experiments.

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As we described in a recent op-ed co-authored by WCW and Rep. Steube
[[link removed]] , in the taxpayer-funded tests, dozens of puppies’ throats are cut open and
infectious bacteria are forced into the dogs’ lungs to cause pneumonia.
Experimenters then bleed out the beagles, give them transfusions, and see how
long the sick and traumatized dogs can survive. NIH white coats then kill any
dog who lives longer than four days.

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As we’ve detailed in columns co-authored with Rep. Steube and Rep. Titus
[[link removed]] , the NIH is lagging behind other federal agencies like the Department of Veterans Affairs
[[link removed]] on efforts to cut wasteful and unnecessary dog testing.

To our knowledge, the septic shock experiments are the only in-house dog or cat
tests happening inside the NIH’s own labs. This new amendment could zero them

A 2022 national poll found that 73% of taxpayers across all parties want to cut
funding for the NIH’s cruelty to canines.

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We applaud Reps. Steube, Titus, Nehls, Moskowitz, and Fitzpatrick for their
outstanding leadership on bipartisan efforts to cut the NIH’s taxpayer-funded
cruelty to kittens and canines in labs.

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Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

Read our Blog [[link removed]]

Visit Our Website [[link removed]]

Make a Donation
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.

PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001

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