This is what your "doubled" contribution will help fund: 1) North Carolina will likely be the next state to vote on calling the term limits convention. The state house has already approved our legislation. And the vote will be incredibly close in the state senate! Your gift will help add North Carolina to the growing list of states that support the Term Limits Convention. 2) Our door to door campaigning is working. We just need the funds to duplicate that effort in more states considering the Term Limits Convention. 3) Public opinion is massively on our side. We need help recruiting and organizing everyday Americans to lobby in their states for term limits on the U.S. House and Senate. 4) Our term limits billboard ads are working. Our mailings are successfully educating voters. But we need the funds to do more of them! So please, please make the very best donation you can today. Remember, every online donation made between now and Term Limits Day will be matched dollar for dollar by an incredibly generous donor. Our goal is to bypass Congress by convincing the states to call the Term Limits Convention and impose term limits on the U.S. House and Senate. We are making great progress. We've mapped out all the states we'd like to target this winter. We just need your help. Please make the very best donation you can today! Philip Blumel President U.S. Term Limits |