MSNBC BREAKING NEWS ➤➤ “Senators seek answers as Clarence Thomas’ ethics mess intensifies”

Clarence Thomas


ADD MY NAME: Investigate Clarence Thomas >>


Friend – Clarence Thomas must be investigated…

❌ He supported Donald Trump’s election lies.
❌ His wife was involved in the Capitol riots on January 6th.
❌ And now it was revealed he’s been taking luxury gifts from GOP mega‑donors for years!

Top Democrats and now even a Fox News analyst have called for Clarence Thomas to be investigated!

The Guardian: Fox News analyst calls for investigation of Clarence Thomas corruption claims”

So we need every single one of our Democratic supporters to step up now and DEMAND Congress investigate Clarence Thomas immediately.

Represent District of Columbia Democrats now: Demand Congress investigate Clarence Thomas >>>

ADD MY NAME: Investigate Clarence Thomas >>

Thank you for taking action.


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