Hi John,

It’s always fun to send the prime minister a message in a way that even he can’t miss it.

A big sidewalk billboard with polling numbers in large print right outside his office should do the trick.

Franco’s eager to get this billboard up first thing next week so I thought I’d make sure you got this email in case you want to chip in. All of the details are below. 

Have a great weekend.


 Hi John, 

You can tell politicians to scrap carbon taxes on home heating.

Politicians and bureaucrats don’t always get the message at first. You can show them the polls to prove people want the carbon tax taken off all home heating. But sometimes you have to show them again. Every. Single. Day.

So you can send them a message they can’t miss.

Hundreds of taxpayers like you chipped in for our scientific poll asking Canadians whether the carbon tax should be taken off of all home heating bills. In fact, so many of you chipped in, we did two more polls in key areas: Ontario and Atlantic Canada.

What are the results? You guessed it: the overwhelming majority of Canadians want the government to take the carbon tax off everyone’s home heating bills.

Politicians care about polling more than the air they breathe and the poll results were all over the media.


Politicians and bureaucrats forget things fast.

There’s a sidewalk billboard right in front of Parliament. It’s right outside the Prime Minister’s Office. And here’s something people miss: this particular billboard is also right beside the Blackburn Building where the most senior bureaucrats work.

You can put those poll results right on that billboard. You’ll be making sure the prime minister will see it all the time. So will his staff and members of Parliament. And so will the bureaucrats.

You’ll be showing them those polling numbers. Every. Single. Day.

You can chip in to put up the billboard right beside Prime Minister Justin Trudeua’s office by going to our secure donation site: https://www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/chip-in-to-put-up-the-billboard

This is your chance to keep the momentum going. The majority of people want the carbon tax cut or scrapped. That’s because folks like you are taking a stand. And it’s working.

Even carbon-tax supporters admit it.

“The carbon tax is dead,” wrote pro-carbon tax economist Trevor Tombe.

Momentum is building. You’re making a difference by chipping away at the carbon tax. The billboard will build the case to take the carbon tax off home heating. And that’s a huge step towards getting the carbon tax scrapped completely. 

You can chip in to put up the billboard by going to our secure donation site: https://www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/chip-in-to-put-up-the-billboard

Thanks for leading the charge against the carbon tax – you’re gaining ground.

All the best,

Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director – Canadian Taxpayers Federation

PS: I see MPs walking by this sidewalk billboard all the time when I’m grabbing lunch in Ottawa. It’ll be fun to see their faces when they see those polling numbers up there. You can make it happen by donating on our secure donation site: https://www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/chip-in-to-put-up-the-billboard