December 2, 2023
Here are this week's most popular positive stories. Like this newsletter? Share it with a friend. Everyone could use a little good news.

Christmas is coming, but this wasn't a jolly week - it was a DOLLY week. The (should be) Queen of Christmas stirred controversy during a Thanksgiving halftime show, sparking a blunt defense from Whoopi Goldberg. But Lauren Boebert's gay slang fangirl tweet to Parton got her roasted like a chestnut.
Chasten Buttigieg

Chasten Buttigieg won’t run away from the only place that feels like home

In an exclusive interview, Buttigieg opens up about coming out in a town "where you question whether you will truly belong."

And don't miss our other interview with two gay venture capitalists trying to change the community one dollar at a time.
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rainbow colored building

Man paints apartment building rainbow colors to get back at anti-gay neighbor

"It puts a smile on my face knowing that neighbor has to see it every day."

Did GOP's "gross" attacks on trans kids get this governor reelected?

He credits the “children of God” for his win at the ballot box.

Pope is evicting viciously anti-LGBTQ+ Cardinal from his home

He can say goodbye to his retirement pay too. Francis has had enough of his bigotry.
Man and child

My mom’s gay best friend was a chain-smoking alcoholic

He was a terrible influence, but he taught me how to live.

A Roman emperor was actually an empress

“Call me not Lord, for I am a Lady.”
rainbow flag

Retired gay couple awarded prestigious honor

"We are not put on this earth to exist but to be of service to others and our community."
Yasmin Finney

New Doctor Who special sparks trans joy

The show took trans inclusion to a whole new level.
Students walkout of class

Hundreds of students walk out in support of administrators ousted for supporting trans youth

The principal and four other staff members were "reassigned."

Not Done Yet

I hope you have a great weekend. Seen any good holiday reels or TikToks? Send me all the links to feature in this month's content.
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