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Why Are We Helping the Bad Guys?

Katie Pavlich

LAST CHANCE: Special 48 Hour Townhall Blowout Sale

Townhall Staff

We're Tired of Soft-Spine Conservatives

Kurt Schlichter

The Unhinged Among Us

Victor Davis Hanson

Media Fluffers Come Out for Newsom

Brad Slager

Showing How the Flood of ‘Trump Is a Nazi!’ Reports Have Nothing to Do With His Comments

Brad Slager

Israel Must Finish the Job in Gaza

Josh Hammer

Why Our Founding Fathers Were Right

Mark Lewis

The Media Mourn End of Biden-Big Tech Censorship 'Partnership'

Tim Graham

Hell Freezes Over: Maher Is Onboard With This Part of Trump's Education Policy

Matt Vespa

KJP Under Fire for Violating A Federal Law and Getting Away With It

Sarah Arnold

Liberal Magazine Promotes Satanic 'Ritual Abortion' Provided by The Satanic Temple

Sarah Arnold

Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State's Votes

Sarah Arnold

Watch When An Entire Diner Says They're Voting for Trump

Sarah Arnold

Joe Biden Snubs His Seventh Granddaughter Again This Christmas

Sarah Arnold

House Committee Chairmen Reaffirm: No Special Treatment for Hunter Biden

Rebecca Downs

No, The US Shouldn't Push Israel to Create a Palestinian State

David Harsanyi

Teaching Terrorists Everywhere that Taking Hostages Works

Terry Paulson

Che Guevara’s Daughter Addresses Memorial Service for Palestinian 'Martyrs'

Humberto Fontova

Half of Gen Z Forgot What the American Dream Is All About

Juan P. Villasmil

Javier Milei Faces a Herculean Task in Argentina

Rainer Zitelmann

The Economic Case for Trump’s Second Term

Jim Nelles

Blinken's Diplomatic Doublespeak in the Wake of Kissinger's Legacy

Jonathan Feldstein

The Palestinians Will Always Be Losers

Alan Joseph Bauer

Conference of the Parties or Hot Air?

Kristen Walker

Securing Our Borders: A Pragmatic Approach to Emergency Spending

Jenny Beth Martin

Gavin Newsom Refused to Answer Questions During Thursday's Debate, Including on This Liberal Pet Issue

Rebecca Downs

Here We Go Again? There's Talk of a Travel Ban From China Over 'Mystery Illness'

Leah Barkoukis

Does Nikki Haley Have a Vaccine Mandate Issue?

Matt Vespa

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
NSSF Slams New Gun Ban Bill: 'Openly Defiant' of the Constitution |
Queen Karen Shannon Watts Gone Rogue on Virtue Signaling. Teachable Moment Probably Lost. |
Nebraska Town Backtracks on 'Gun-Free Zones' After Residents Cry Foul |
The Do-It-Yourself Sten: Part One |
A Father's Love and the Fight for Real Solutions |
What's Inside the Senate's Latest 'Assault Weapons' Bill? Nothing But Bad News for Gun Owners |