Note: NCOA is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and, at this time, is still planning to host Age+Action 2020.
Dear John,
The Age+Action 2020 agenda is now live!
Don't miss this opportunity to share, network, and learn in Dallas, June 8-10.
Each day is filled with dynamic sessions on timely topics that impact your work. We received over 250 submissions and chose the very best. Examples include:
- Diverse Populations: The Intersection of Military Service, Aging, and the Veteran Experience
- Healthy Living: The Potential of Ride-Hailing Services and Self-Driving Vehicles to Address Unmet Transportation Needs in Older Adults
- Economic Security: Digital Empowerment: Online Banking Classes for Older Adults
- Innovation: Generation X: Preparing for the new Generation of the Aging Population
- And many more!
We hope to see you in Dallas!