Do you still support a law for assisted dying?

Hi friend,


We noticed that you haven’t been opening our emails in a while. That’s understandable, we all have busy lives and inboxes.


Dignity in Dying is a people-powered campaign and we’d love everyone who cares about this issue, like you, to be involved – in whatever way works best for you.


Could you answer 3 very quick questions so we know how you’d like to be involved? It takes less than a minute:


Do you still support a law to give terminally ill people choice at the end of their life?


Momentum is building behind our campaign and more and more doctors and MPs are now publicly supporting end of life choice for terminally ill people. 


But we’ll need to demonstrate widespread public support to get the law changed.


That’s why we’d love to know how you want to support the campaign, so we can keep fighting for this together. Answer these quick questions – then we can contact you in the way that suits you best. It’ll take you less than a minute to answer.


Here’s the first question again:


Do you still support a law to give terminally ill people choice at the end of their life?


Thank you so much,


Sarah Wootton
Chief Executive

Dignity in Dying

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Dignity in Dying
181 Oxford Street
London, England W1D 2JT
United Kingdom
