From Vanessa Enoch <[email protected]>
Subject Aiding and abetting criminals in Congress!
Date December 2, 2023 12:10 AM
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Warren Davidson has a history of aiding and abetting criminals in Congress. He must be stopped!

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Today, Congressman Warren Davidson voted to aid and abet George Santos, his criminally charged Republican colleague. Reuter's reports that, "Santos has been mired in controversy since his November 2022 election. He has admitted fabricating much of his biography, and federal prosecutors accuse him of laundering campaign funds and defrauding donors." Santos has now been indicted of 23 criminal charges, and Davidson thinks he deserves to keep his seat in Congress! This is disgraceful, and Davidson's vote demonstrates one of the many reasons why he should not be in Congress.

This isn't the first time Davidson has chosen to side with legislators with poor character, and who have been accused of malfeasance. After his buddy, Jim Jordan, was accused of allowing the sexual abuse of students at the Ohio State University, Davidson voted to elect him as the Speaker of the House.

Davidson also voted against impeaching Donald Trump, after he attempted to overthrow our government in the American coup d'etat on January 6, 2021. With Mike Johnson at the helm as Speaker of the House,
we run the risk of a successful coup in 2024 and who knows what kind of nation we will be, if we fail to vote Davidson and his criminal cronies out of Congress in November,

I am running for Congress in the next election to help restore integrity and accountability to the peoples House. As a US Representative, I will fight to protect our Democracy against legislators like Warren Davidson, and I will vote to pass legislation to restore the integrity of our elections, and the will of the people.

You can help elect me, Vanessa Enoch, to Congress by making a $5 donation ([link removed]) today. Click below to contribute to our campaign to help protect our Democracy!
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