Indiana Republicans,
I hate to address every rumor that gets put out on the internet, but one circulating today about the Republican State Convention goes to the heart of our Party functions. As Chairman, I need to set the record straight: There are no plans to cancel state convention.

I wanted to make sure that Republicans across the state, and especially our convention delegates, have the facts about informal discussions that have taken place among members of our state committee. 
Like most other large organizations that have upcoming events that will attract robust crowds, the Indiana Republican Party needs to be prepared with possible contingency plans if our planned state convention in June is impacted by the coronavirus. We do not anticipate the same sort of crowd control precautions taking place today in relation to sporting events to still be necessary in June. However, the responsible course of action is to be prepared, just in case.

To that end, this morning, I had a call with members of the state committee to begin discussing what contingencies could look like if we are, indeed, impacted. While there is much uncertainty as we start these discussions, there is consensus and clarity that our first priority is to proceed with the convention as planned. In the event that is not an option, our second priority is to seek an option that includes input from our delegates as our general election nominees are selected. As we get closer to the convention we will ensure that we keep everyone well informed.  

Thank you for all you do for the Republican Party.

-Kyle Hupfer
Chairman, Indiana Republican Party

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA