Thanks to our generous supporters, we reached our #GivingTuesday goal

Free Press

Friend, drumroll please… 🥁

We did it! We reached our #GivingTuesday triple-match goal.

We have a lot of hard work ahead of us to build on the progress we’ve made in 2023 to revive local journalism and build a media system that prioritizes care over harm. The groundswell of #GivingTuesday support will help us keep fighting as hard as we have to, for as long as we need to.

Local newspapers are shutting down across the country. There are still very few Black media owners. Racist algorithms amplify the voices of white supremacists on online platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. But we’re fighting back on all of these fronts.

To say we have our work cut out for us is an understatement — but we’re better prepared after reaching this important goal.

In gratitude,

Jessica and Craig
Free Press

P.S. You may not have had a chance to donate on #GivingTuesday, but it’s never too late to make a difference. Make a gift right now.

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