Friends -
The coronavirus epidemic presents a serious and unique challenge for our country, and I'm writing to you today because I need your help in making sure that the response crafted by Congress meets the real needs posed by this public health emergency.
Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, President Trump is failing to provide effective leadership. In many ways, this was the moment we feared: A true security threat to the nation and a president who can't tell the truth, can't organize a consistent response, and doesn't have enough experienced people on the job.
Here's what needs to happen right now if we want to mount a real response to coronavirus:
First, the priority should be on testing. The Trump administration has been woefully slow in making these tests available. But we need to deploy tests to states in order to get a handle on where the disease exists and how to contain it.
Then, we need to look at how we can help people who will be economically impacted by the virus.
Congress needs to start passing legislation that will protect workers -- especially hourly workers and people in the gig economy -- in the case of large scale economic disruptions.
One missed paycheck for a low wage worker whose hours get cut or who has to stay home because their kid's school closes could be disastrous.
Tell Congress that any economic stimulus legislation must be focused on helping working people.
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But instead of focusing on working families, the White House is floating bailouts for industry and opposing any kind of paid sick leave policies.
The latest reporting indicates that the White House is considering aid for the oil and hotel industries.
Right now, our focus needs to be on protecting the families and workers who will be most immediately affected by this crisis. We cannot rely on bailouts for corporations trickling down to employees.
That's why I support paid sick leave for every American for every sickness, and it's why I believe that any economic stimulus package we pass right now must be focused directly on workers and families across this country -- not multinational corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Will you add your voice to mine and demand Congress focus any economic stimulus legislation on working people? We should not be bailing out the oil and hotel industry while workers suffer.
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Thank you in advance for making your voice heard on this issue.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
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Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Chris Murphy