Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Folks, Nikki and our entire team are so excited about the momentum we’ve seen from this grassroots movement over the past few days.

We are truly humbled to know there are folks standing with us in the fight to protect workers’ rights, defend access to reproductive care, lower costs, and so much more.

But tough roads lie ahead. National Republicans have long been eyeing Nikki’s seat, and two Republican challengers also filed for election earlier this week, so we truly need all hands on deck until Election Day to keep her in this fight.

That’s why we wanted to let you know that we’ve extended our fundraising deadline until midnight tonight. If you’ve been waiting for the best moment to support our grassroots movement, it’s now.

Please, chip in $5 or more to become a Founding Donor to Nikki’s reelection campaign today:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Team Nikki