John --
Welcome to the December edition of the Pennsylvania Forward
Party's monthly newsletter. Read on to learn more - and mark
your calendar for the December Statewide Meeting on Dec
18th at 8 pm!
Update: we're
hearing that there maybe another very special call this date so please
look for schedule updates on our event

Tell Us What's Important
to You! Click Here to tell us what issues
are most important to you via Ranked Choice Voting. The Pennsylvania
Forward Party will use this information to help identify candidates
who truly reflect the policy and platform issues of every day
2023 In Review: 2023 was a transformational year
for the Pennsylvania Forward Party. We endorsed 9 candidates in the
November elections, 3 of those were successfully elected. With those 3
victories, there are now 5 PA Forward affiliated office holders. Our
impact has already begun!
Looking Forward to 2024. This upcoming year
presents an opportunity to be recognized as an official party in
Pennsylvania—one of our main goals for the year. You can read below
that Forward Utah has become a recognized party in Utah by gathering
signatures. In PA, it's a little different.
To be a recognized minor party in Pennsylvania, we need to run a
candidate in a state-wide race. Finding the right candidate to run for
Attorney General, Auditor General, or Treasurer under our banner will
be the goal for next few months.
The Pennsylvania Forward Party needs you.
We are looking for candidates to run under or with the Forward Party
in 2024. Don't want to run as a candidate? Consider helping us by
joining one of our committees. To find out how you can get involved,
email [email protected]

Click below to read the

Calls Some of our Regions are having calls.
Click on your region below.
More Scheduled

Click the event above to join the
Don't forget to check out our new Calendar of Events and
bookmark it so you never miss a call again. You can view it by Clicking Here
Pennsylvania Forward Party ForwardParty.com/Pennsylvania