Governor’s Award for Excellence Highlight
Each week, we’re highlighting a state employee who was recently awarded the Governor’s Award for Excellence. This week we are recognizing Alexander Bybee with the Utah Department of Commerce.
Alexander’s innovative and creative thinking as the Division of Professional Licensing foreign credentialing specialist has helped position Utah as one of the most welcoming communities in the nation. In 2022, labor shortages, international refugee crises, and the increasing needs of Utah’s underserved populations resulted in intense demands for Utah qualified professionals. This led to Utah’s groundbreaking policy shift to begin considering qualified, internationally trained applicants for licensure. Alexander and his team created an automation that takes prospective applicant information, sends an auto response to the applicant, then organizes that data into a visual presentation. This automation has saved time as this work was done manually previously. Alexander’s collaboration with other agencies and businesses is helping Commerce create priority frameworks, through which Utah’s existing & potential licensure pathways for internationally trained professionals can be reviewed, and targeted for improvement in light of Utah’s needs and priorities.
Thank you, Alexander, for your dedication to the state of Utah. Keep up the great work! To read about the Governor’s Awards for Excellence, click here.