What a year it’s been, Friend. We’ve made so many great strides towards changing the law. Here are just some of the highlights: 

  • The Isle of Man is now on the path to becoming the first part of the British Isles to legalise assisted dying;
  • An astonishing 226,000 people signed Dame Prue Leith’s open letter to party leaders calling for law change, and over 100 MPs and Peers came to her special event in Parliament
  • In Scotland, Dignity in Dying supporter Kenny’s open letter to Humza Yousaf gathered over 25,000 signatures, and Kenny met personally with Humza Yousaf to press him to back law change.  

2023 was a year we opened politicians’ eyes to the scale of suffering faced by dying people, and expanded our movement calling for compassion and choice. None of this would have been possible without determined people like you.

But our work is not done yet. Will you become a Dignity in Dying member and power campaigns that press MPs to take action on the suffering of dying people left without a choice?


While we’ve had so many incredible successes this year, I have to be honest: it hasn’t been easy. Changing the law – and making history – is never straightforward, and our movement had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get here.


Every step of the way, there are anti-choice opponents snapping at our heels, trying to undo all the progress we’ve made towards law change. Unexpected delays in the legislative process mean that we need to work hard to keep up the momentum and push our campaign forward.


But with a General Election on the horizon, 2024 could be a breakthrough year for our campaign to press politicians of all parties to back choice for dying people.   

Friend, hundreds of dying people in Britain are counting on our movement to fight for their right to choose. We’re on the cusp of historic change - we can’t be complacent now.

Will you become a Dignity in Dying member and fight to give choice and control to terminally ill people who go through unnecessary suffering as they die?


Thanks, Friend. I hope that you can look back on this year with pride. Together, we’ll make sure that 2024 will be another year that our movement will be proud of.

David Pearce
Director of Fundraising and Marketing

P.S. Want to be part of the team that’s going to change the law and make history? Become a Dignity in Dying member now >>

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