Victory! Yesterday the US House of Representatives passed a bill to permanently freeze the $6B Iranian hostage payment!On any issue, grassroots pressure from voters hits a tipping point where we make an issue too hot to ignore! You are making a difference with your support and participation!
Last year, we sent over 4 million emails and phone calls and achieved enough bi-partisan support to stop the negotiations temporarily in 2022. This year, patriots like you helped freeze a $6B hostage ransom transfer to Iran with nearly 1.4 million emails and phone calls which is now on its way to being made permanent! The Trump administration’s policy on Iran nearly brought this Islamic state sponsor of terror to its knees. The Biden Administration resuscitated this regime, which is now more oil-rich than ever, is financing its nuclear ambitions without any deterrents or financial constraints and using these ambitions to strike fear and gold out of nations globally under the threat of an emerging nuclear Iran. As reported, Biden is now moving to send $10B to Iran, a price Iran has required to simply resume talks for an Iran Nuclear Deal. And the State Department has Iranian Spies, some still holding high cabinet positions that must be removed. Your contribution is vital in this fight and every fight! Act for America is providing Americans with the most effective congressional tool to ensure Congress hears you and feels the weight of We the People, but it’s patriots like you that take a minute out of your week to click and act and you are making a real difference! This battle to stop Iran from funding, training, and arming Hamas and global Islamic terror networks and preventing them from becoming a nuclear power in the Middle East is going to require continued vigilance and action from all of us. If you haven’t experienced the thrill of sending a message to hundreds of lawmakers with one click, take a minute to make your voice heard, working with us to build an undefeatable advocacy army as we restore our Representative Republic, one representative at a time, including you! The squeaky wheel gets the grease! Please take the time to click and act weekly until we’ve achieved our ultimate victory. Updated 12-1-2023! House passes bill to freeze Iranian prisoner-swap fundsANDREW BERNARD | JNS | 11-30-2023 | CondensedThe U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill intended to permanently freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds released as part of a prisoner swap in September. Formally known as the “No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act,” the bill ultimately passed the House with the support of 90 Democrats and all but one Republican. Read the short report here for details>> Help me catch you up fast! I wrote my book "Because They Hate" to educate Americans about the threat we are facing right here in America. Get your autographed copy rushed to your door for a donation of $25 today! Or receive your copy with an annual Substack subscription here»!“Tired of the rhetoric, we rise with purpose and act with conviction.”You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |