It’s about damn time!

George Santos just got expelled from the House. IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!

But right before he left, he put a target on my back. He and the MAGA movement aren’t gonna stop coming for me now.

I still need your help to defend my seat from these clowns. Help me say bye to George’s lies, scams, and Botox habit by supporting this movement of peace and love!


– JB

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jamaal Bowman
Date: Thu, Nov 30, 2023
Subject: George Santos just attacked me

Bowman for Congress

You gotta be kidding me, John.

George Santos just called a press conference to attack me. That's right: The lying, cheating conman of a congressman is dedicating his last days in office to trying to bring me down.

Santos may be a joke, but his attacks are real. Chip in to help me defend my record from this clown. (And trust that if you donate, I won't use your money for Botox or OnlyFans 🤣)



Nothing was more perfect than the garbage truck pulling up to Santos's press conference this morning.

Where do I even begin with this guy?? 🤦🏿‍♂️

Lying about losing loved ones on 9/11, in the Holocaust, and at the Pulse nightclub shooting. Defrauding his own supporters and spending their money on vanity treatments and luxury sneakers. Stealing money from a dying dog's GoFundMe. The list goes on. And on.

I'm proud to have cast my vote to expel this fraud from Congress. But before he goes, he's determined to try and do as much damage to me as he can. Unlike Santos, I don't steal money, so I'm relying on genuine support from people like you to help me fight back.


In all seriousness, George Santos represents everything wrong with politics today. And he's already pledging to dedicate his time after he gets expelled to helping elect Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Unfortunately, we can't laugh him off. Yet.

Peace and love,
