Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

Well, team, today Lisa voted for a third and final time to expel George Santos from the House – and it worked.

George Santos has lied about everything from his resume to starring in TV shows before he even got to Congress.

What's more shocking is that the Republican Party was willing to embrace his actions as fit to serve office. We've known that Santos was a fraud, a liar, and a criminal, yet the GOP has kept him in power to maintain their House majority.

We can't allow this chaos in the Senate, so can you rush a contribution to our campaign so we can stop the GOP from taking back our Senate majority?


But what's changed this time?

The Ethics Report had embarrassing and detailed accounts of Santos' actions, and Republicans finally realized the electoral consequences of protecting him.

That means GOP leadership was willing to sacrifice Santos' seat to save multiple swing seat Republicans and the House majority in 2024. Team, this vote has nothing to do with Republicans' integrity, but their scramble to stay in power.

We can't let them take the Senate and continue this chaos. Please, can you rush a $25 contribution to Lisa's campaign so we can keep Delaware blue and defend our Democratic Senate Majority from Republicans plotting their extremist agenda?

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Team LBR