Dear Friend,
Thanks to Democrats’ efforts to lower health care costs for American families, the Affordable Care Act health care marketplace is more affordable than ever for New Yorkers.
Reliable health care coverage is available now at This year, 4 out of 5 Americans can find plans for less than $10 a month.
Mark your calendars! You have until December 15 to enroll in a plan that starts at the beginning of 2024.
Overwhelmed by coverage options?
In New York City, you have options for helping navigate the healthcare marketplace:
Free help is available at the hotline by calling 855-355-5777, or by connecting with a GetCoveredNYC Specialist from the NYC Public Engagement Unit who is happy to help. They connect uninsured New Yorkers with health insurance options and assist with navigating their plans once they’re covered. If you need help understanding or enrolling in a health insurance plan, please call 311 and say "GetCoveredNYC", text CoveredNYC (SeguroNYC en español) to 877877, or fill out the form at GetCoveredNYC - PEU.
I hope you find this update on my work for you helpful. To receive more updates like these, click here to sign up. If I can be of assistance with a federal issue or any other matter of concern, please email me here or call one of my offices listed below.

Jerrold Nadler
Member of Congress