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Hello from the OCCRP newsroom,  

Shifts in the geopolitical landscape, new financial rules, and technological advancements in the past year have had profound effects on how dark money flows across borders.

Next week, our Co-Founders Drew Sullivan and Paul Radu will share insights in a live discussion about these new trends in global crime and corruption — and what we're doing to expose them. You can join by becoming an OCCRP Accomplice

Thursday, December 7 2023
11:00 U.S. Eastern Time // 17:00 Central European Time

By making a donation, you will gain access to webinars like these as well as other membership benefits. Contributions go directly toward funding our global network of investigative journalists.

Join the Conversation. Become an OCCRP Accomplice

The one-hour webinar, moderated by Editor in Chief Miranda Patrucic, will include time for audience questions at the end.

Don't worry if you can't attend the discussion. We will send a recording of the entire event to all OCCRP Accomplices once it's over.

Thank you so much for your support. Reply to this email with any of your questions.
— The OCCRP Team
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Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

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