Hello Friends,
This week, households across the country can start filling out the census, and I want to talk to you about how important it is that everyone complete it.
Every ten years, the census counts up the American people in order to understand who is in our communities and what their needs are. Then, funding for so many federal programs important to New Mexico is allocated based on those numbers.
Seems simple enough, right? However—there are many situations that can lead to an undercount. Rural and low-income communities don't always get counted, whether it’s because forms don't arrive or census takers don't check in. And New Mexico has a lot of areas at risk for an undercount, including immigrant and Tribal communities.
Our communities could lose out on vital funding for health care and other programs that benefit New Mexicans and support jobs and our economy— because just a 1% undercount in New Mexico could result in around $1 billion lost in federal funds over the next 10 years.
We can't allow that to happen, and that's why I'm sending you this message. You can answer the census by phone, mail or online, and it’s important that you find the easiest method for you and fill it out. It’s only 10 questions. And after you do so, please check in with your friends. Communities have to work together to make sure we get a good strong count.
And it’s important to know that the 2020 Census does not have a citizenship question, and all information provided is kept confidential.
I've been highlighting the reasons why we need a complete count of New Mexico on my social media platforms. If you are passionate about our message of #CensusCounts, you can get involved in your own communities by working for the census and taking part in getting an accurate picture of our state.
Best Wishes,

Tom Udall
United States Senator