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Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter November 19(11). New research
Date December 1, 2023 1:26 PM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.

To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page. [
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Irish-related publications
Healthy Ireland survey 2023 - summary report
Ipsos B&A. (2023) Dublin: Healthy Ireland, Department of Health

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National Drugs Forum 2023. Building bridges for evidence informed public policy – presentations.
National Drugs Forum. (2023) Dublin: Health Research Board.

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Statistical spotlight #11. Children and young people's indicator set outcome 'activity and health':
an international comparison.
(2023) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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Young Ireland: the national policy framework for children and young people (0-24) 2023-2028.
(2023) Dublin: Government of Ireland

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Report on governance in the North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force
(2023) Dublin: Department of Health

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Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Best practices and lessons for Ireland
Perry, Ivan J and Gallagher, Kerrie (2023) Dublin: Irish Heart Foundation.

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Ireland’s health led approach to drugs use.
Duffin, Tony (2023) Drugreporter

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HSE vaping and e-cigarettes: a HSE information booklet for parents, guardians and young people
HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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HSE health and wellbeing: information and guidance on e-cigarettes for schools
HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme. (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Vaping and e cigarettes: get the facts webinar 2023.
(2023) HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme

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The associations of parental smoking, quitting and habitus with teenager e-cigarette, smoking,
alcohol and other drug use in GUI Cohort '98
Sunday, Salome et al (2023) Scientific Reports, 13, 20105.

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Teenage problem gambling in Ireland – shared risk factors with tobacco, e-cigarette and cannabis use
Sunday, Salome et al (2023) European Respiratory Journal, 62, (suppl 67). DOI:

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Odds of gambling among adolescents: a secondary analysis of the cross-sectional European School
Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Reynolds, Ciara Marie Edel et al (2023) The Lancet, 402 Suppl 1

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Health survey (NI) first results 2022/23
Corrigan, Deirdre et al (2023) Belfast: Public Health Information & Research Branch, Information
Analysis Directorate

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Drug overdoses and drug related deaths in NI: a synthesis of NISRA, ED admissions & ambulance
service data
Campbell, Anne et al (2023) Belfast: Queen's University Belfast and NIADA.

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Public health responses to homelessness during COVID-19 in Ireland: implications for health reform.
Parker, Sarah et al (2023) International Journal on Homelessness, 3, (3), pp. 36-52.

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Eurostat regional yearbook – 2023 edition.
Eurostat. (2023) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

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Positive health and ageing policies for older Irish travellers and older people who have experienced
homelessness in Ireland: life-course meanings and determinants
Carroll, Brídín et al (2023) Social Science & Medicine, 336.

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Characteristics of public health approaches for youth violence prevention
Walsh, Colm et al (2023) Belfast: Queen's University Belfast

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The resonance factor training programme evaluation report
CCS Consultants. Dolan, Breege (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive

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Pobal maps [Dataset].
Pobal (2023)

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Health at a glance: Ireland 2023.
(2023) OECD Publishing

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GREVIO’s (baseline) evaluation report on legislative and other measures giving effect to the
provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women
and domestic violence (Istanbul convention) Ireland.
Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (2023) Strasbourg:

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Irish Prison Service drugs strategy 2023-2026
(2023) Dublin: Irish Prison Service

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Who we need to be… The strategic plan of Ana Liffey drug project 2024 to 2029
(2023) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project

[link removed]
Impact measurement tool for drug and alcohol services 2021/22
Public Health Information & Research Branch, Information Analysis Directorate. (2023) Belfast:
Department of Health

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Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland

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Bray Community Addiction Team report and financial statements 2022
(2023) Dublin: Bray Community Addiction Team CLG

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Western Region Drugs Task Force annual report and financial statements 2022
(2023) Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force

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Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: FAST

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Activity of acute public hospitals in Ireland 2022 annual report
Healthcare Pricing Office, Health Service Executive. (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive

[link removed]
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth annual report 2022.
(2023) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

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Ruhama annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Ruhama

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Irish Penal Reform Trust annual review & financial statement 2022 – 2023
(2023) Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust

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An Garda Síochána annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

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Youth Justice Strategy implementation statement for 2022
(2023) Dublin: Department of Justice

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Recorded crime detection 2022.
2023) Dublin: Central Statistics Office

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The Coombe hospital annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: The Coombe hospital

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Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Health Products Regulatory Authority

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Mental Health Reform annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Mental Health Reform

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National action plan to prevent and combat human trafficking 2023 - 2027
Department of Justice (2023) Dublin: Government of Ireland

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Jigsaw annual report and financial statements 2022
(2023) Dublin: Jigsaw

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Water Safety Ireland 2022 annual report
(2023) Galway: Water Safety Ireland

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Marine Casualty Investigation Board annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Marine Casualty Investigation Board

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National Review Panel annual report 2022
National Review Panel (2023) Dublin: Tusla

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International publications
Risk and protective factors for self-harm in adolescents and young adults: an umbrella review of
systematic reviews.
McEvoy, David et al (2023) Journal of Psychiatric Research, 168. pp. 353-380. doi:

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RADAR A to Z: a guide to common drug names in Scotland.
RADAR (2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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Prevention and control of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs: 2023 update.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction (2023) Stockholm: EDC.

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Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to prevent infections among people who inject drugs.
Drug treatment, needle and syringe programmes and drug consumption rooms for preventing hepatitis C,
HIV and injecting risk behaviour.
(2023) Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

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Health risk communication strategies for drug checking services: a manual.
EMCDDA (2023) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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HIV, hepatitis & drug policy reform.
(2023) Global Commission on Drug Policy

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Joint briefing paper on women who use drugs living with HIV.
Women and Harm Reduction International Network, International Community of Women Living with HIV.
(2023) WHRIN and ICW

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Stigmatization of people with addiction by health professionals: current knowledge. A scoping review
Cazalis, Anthony et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 9.

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Social media use and health risk behaviours in young people: systematic review and meta-analysis
Purba, Amrit Kaur et al (2023) BMJ, 383, e073552. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-073552.

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A practical handbook on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Delivering prevention, building
resilience and developing trauma-informed systems A resource for professionals and organisations
Wood, Sarah et al (2023) Wrexham: Policy and International Health, WHO Collaborating Centre on
Investment for Health and Well-being, Public Health Wales

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Editorial: Drug decriminalisation: grounding policy in evidence.
(2023) The Lancet, 402, (10416), p. 1941. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02617-X

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Achieving consensus, coherence, clarity and consistency when talking about addiction.
West, Robert et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16393

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National Collaborative call for evidence – analysis report. Experiences of human rights in relation
to substance use.
(2023) Scotland: National Collaborative

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Commentary: The unacceptability of evidence on acceptable risks
Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16381

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A UK national study of prevalence and correlates of adopting or not adopting a recovery identity
among individuals who have overcome a drug or alcohol problem
Day, Ed et al (2023) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18, (1).

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OHID and NHS England’s Drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce transformation programme.
Briefing #2
United Kingdom. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, NHS England. (2023) London: NHS England

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HBSC England national report: findings from the 2021-2022 HBSC study for England
Hulbert, Sabina et al (2023) University of Kent.

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Measuring school staff confidence and worries to deliver mental health content: an examination of
the psychometric properties of two measures in a sample of secondary school staff
Dwan-O’Reilly, Maeve et al (2023) School Mental Health,

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Position paper. People who use drugs and mental health
(2023) Amsterdam: Civil Society Forum on Drugs

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Low dead space syringes: analysis and benefits for people who inject drugs
Csak, Robert (2023) London: Harm Reduction International.

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Global state of harm reduction: 2023 update to key data
(2023) London: Harm Reduction International

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Health at a glance 2023: OECD indicators
(2023) Stockholm: OECD

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School-based law enforcement strategies to reduce crime, increase perceptions of safety, and improve
learning outcomes in primary and secondary schools: a systematic review
Fisher, Benjamin W et al (2023) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19, (4).

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Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014-2018).
Montanari, Linda et al (2023) Journal of Community Psychology, Early online.

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Recent incarceration, substance use, overdose, and service use among people who use drugs in rural
Hoover, Daniel B et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (11).

[link removed]
No prescription? No problem: a qualitative study investigating self-medication with novel
psychoactive substances (NPS).
Holborn, Tayler et al (2023) International Journal of Drug Policy, 118.

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Does nitrous oxide addiction exist? An evaluation of the evidence for the presence and prevalence of
substance use disorder symptoms in recreational nitrous oxide users
Back, Sammie et al (2023) Addiction, Early online.

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Psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions for problematic methamphetamine use: findings from a
scoping review of the literature
Hersi, Mona et al (2023) PLoS ONE, 18, (10). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292745

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Old drugs and new challenges: a narrative review of nitazenes
Pergolizzi, Joseph et al (2023) Cureus, 15, (6). doi: 10.7759/cureus.40736

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Guidelines and recommendations on national synthetic opioid preparedness in European countries
Viskari, Inari and Tammi, Tuukka (2023) The Netherlands: SO-PREP

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Overdose prevention centres, safe consumption sites, and drug consumption rooms: a rapid evidence
Shorter, Gillian W et al (2023) London: Drug Science

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Development of an intervention to manage benzodiazepine dependence and high-risk use in the context
of escalating drug related deaths in Scotland: an application of the MRC framework
Berry, Karen et al (2023) BMC Health Services Research, 23, (1).

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Naloxone Reporting Short Life Working Group final report
Naloxone Reporting Short Life Working Group. (2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland

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A descriptive coronial study of heroin toxicity deaths in Australia, 2020-2022: characteristics,
toxicology and survival times
Darke, Shane et al (2023) Addiction, Early online

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Afghanistan opium survey 2023. Cultivation and production after the ban: effects and implications
(2023) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

[link removed]
Opioid-related overdose deaths among people experiencing homelessness, 2017 to 2021: a
population-based analysis using coroner and health administrative data from Ontario, Canada
Booth, Richard G et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16357

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EU drug market: cannabis — in-depth analysis
(2023) EMCDDA

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Health, safety, and socioeconomic impacts of cannabis liberalization laws: an evidence and gap map
Sevigny, Eric L et al (2023) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19, (4).

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Changes in self-reported cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review
Mehra, Kamna et al (2023) BMC Public Health, 23. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-17068-7

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Risk factors for adolescent cannabis use in a State with legal recreational cannabis: the role of
parents, siblings, and friends.
English, Faith and Whitehill, Jennifer M (2023) Clinical Therapeutics, 45, (6), pp. 589-598.

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Combined use of cocaine and alcohol: a violent cocktail? A systematic review
van Amsterdam, Jan and van den Brink, Wim (2023) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 100.

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Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland
after 20 months: an interrupted time series study
Manca, Francesco et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16371

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Risk of suicidal behavior as a function of alcohol use disorder typologies: a Swedish
population-based study
Lannoy, Séverine et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16351

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Editorial. Should alcohol marketing be restricted? Scotland should follow other European countries
in banning alcohol sports advertising.
MacGilchrist, Alastair (2023) Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, doi:

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Change and stability in British drinking practices and culture between 2009 and 2019: a longitudinal
latent class analysis of drinking occasions
Holmes, John et al (2023) SSM - Population Health, Early online.

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Alcohol and cancer in the European Union: a call to action.
(2023) World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

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Launch of the WHO -European Union Evidence into Action Alcohol Project: meeting report, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 6 December 2022
(2023) Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe

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Cancer risk based on alcohol consumption levels: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
Jun, Seunghee et al (2023) Epidemiology and Health, doi: 10.4178/epih.e2023092

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Alcohol initiation before age 15 predicts earlier hazardous drinking: a survival analysis of a
7-year prospective longitudinal cohort of Australian adolescents
Gardner, Lauren A et al (2023) Addiction, Early online.

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The potential adverse effects of minors' exposure to alcohol-related stimuli via licenced venues: a
narrative review
Booth, Leon et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.

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Risk factors for stroke in the young (18-45 years): a case-control analysis of INTERSTROKE data from
32 countries
Khan, Maria et al (2023) Neuroepidemiology, 57, (5), pp. 275-283. doi: 10.1159/000530675

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Factors to be considered as part of a holistic assessment for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a
scoping review
Reid, Natasha et al (2023) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 47, (11), pp. 2007-2021.

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Neurocognitive recovery in abstinent patients with alcohol use disorder: a scoping review for
associated factors
Staudt, Jeroen et al (2023) Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 19. pp. 2039-2054. doi:

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“Availability is the poor cousin of marketing and pricing”: qualitative study of stakeholders’ views
on policy priorities around tobacco and alcohol availability
Dimova, Elena et al (2023) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.

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A comprehensive review on the impacts of smoking on the health of an individual.
Varghese, Jerin and Muntode Gharde, Pramita (2023) Cureus, 15, (10). doi: 10.7759/cureus.46532

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Identifying best modelling practices for tobacco control policy simulations: a systematic review and
a novel quality assessment framework
Huang, Vincy et al (2023) Tobacco Control, 32, (5), pp. 589-598.

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Using the Behaviour Change Wheel and modified Delphi method to identify behavioural change
techniques for improving adherence to smoking cessation medications
Mersha, Amanual Getnet et al (2023) BMC Public Health, 23, (1).

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Electronic nicotine delivery systems and e-liquid modifications to vape cannabis depicted in online
Ouellette, Rachel R et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (11).

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The interaction of e-cigarette use and mental health symptoms on risk of cigarette smoking
initiation among young adults in the United States
Harlow, Alyssa F et al (2023) Addiction, 118, (12), pp. 2317-2326. doi: 10.1111/add.16319

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E-cigarette use among US adults in the 2021 behavioral risk factor surveillance system survey
Erhabor, John et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (11).

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Introduction: towards a sociology of sports gambling
McGee, Darragh and Bunn, Christopher (2023) In: Gambling and sports in a global age. Research in the
sociology of sport (18). United Kingdom: Emerald. pp. 1-8.

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Public health approaches to gambling: a global review of legislative trends
Ukhova, Daria et al (2023) The Lancet Public Health, Early online.

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The emerging evidence on the association between symptoms of ADHD and gaming disorder: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
Koncz, Patrik and et al (2023) Clinical Psychology Review, 106. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2023.102343

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World AIDS Day: concerns over stimulant injecting and late HIV diagnoses in Europe
[EMCDDA] (30 Nov 2023)

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Minister for Health commences broadcast watershed for alcohol advertisements
[Department of Health] (28 Nov 2023)

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Ministers Donnelly and Naughton launch public consultation on further regulation of vapes and
[Department of Health] (25 Nov 2023)

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Medical cannabis: inside Northern Ireland's first legal vape lounge
[BBC News Online] Haslam, Alan (20 Nov 2023)

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People Before Profit Bill to legalise personal use of cannabis seen as ‘test for Government'
[] Matthews, Jane (17 Nov 2023)

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The Joint Committee on Justice publishes its report on pre-legislative scrutiny of the General
Scheme of the Sale of Alcohol Bill 2022.
Joint Committee on Justice. (16 Nov 2023)

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A potent synthetic opioid was found in the heroin that caused overdoses, but what are nitazenes?] Ryan, Órla (15 Nov 2023)

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Teenagers who fell ill while vaping at Cork school not an isolated incident.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (14 Nov 2023)

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Nitazenes detected in heroin samples related to Dublin overdose cluster
[Health Service Executive] (11 Nov 2023)

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HSE issues warning to heroin users following cluster of overdoses in Dublin
[Health Service Executive] (09 Nov 2023)

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Ministers for Health welcome Dáil passing of legislation to ban vaping products being sold to under
[Department of Health] (08 Nov 2023)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Questions 141 – Departmental policies [gambling]. [
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] (22 Nov)
Questions 153 & 154 – Health services [gambling] [
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] (22 Nov)
Questions 219 – Tobacco control measures. [
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] (22 Nov)
Questions 238 – Education policy [cannabis-based vapes] [
[link removed]
] (22 Nov)
Questions 547 – Gambling sector. [
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] (22 Nov)
Questions 82 – Education policy [gambling]. [
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] (22 Nov)
Questions 237 – Education policy [Schools drug awareness]. [
[link removed]
] (21 Nov)
Questions 367 – Legislative measures [Alcohol] [
[link removed]
] (21 Nov)
Questions 462 – Health services [opioid overdoses] [
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] (21 Nov)
Questions 544 – Nursing and Midwifery board of Ireland [Medical cannabis] [
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] (21 Nov)
Questions 547 – Tobacco control measures. [
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] (14 Nov)
Seanad Éireann debate. Vol. 1045 No. 2. Public health (Tobacco products and nicotine inhaling
products) Bill 2023: Second stage. [
[link removed]
] (14 Nov)
Dáil Éireann debate. Vol. 1045 No. 2. Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling
Products) Bill 2023: Report and final stages. [
[link removed]
] (08 Nov)
Question 1315 – Health services staff [medicinal cannabis]. [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Question 1363 – Health promotion [cancer & alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Question 829 – Legislative measures [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Question 846 – Prison service. [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Question 847 – Prison service [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Question 848 – Prison service. [
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] (07 Nov)
Question 855 – Addiction treatment services. [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
Questions 1210 & 1347 – Legislative measures [Vaping and young people]. [
[link removed]
] (07 Nov)
read more
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