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Enjoy Watching the Race Game Collapse

Derek Hunter

The Unhinged Among Us

Victor Davis Hanson

MSNBC Replaces Pro-Hamas Host Mehdi Hasan…With a Pro-Hamas Host, Plus Media Layoffs Abound

Brad Slager

Israel Must Finish the Job in Gaza

Josh Hammer

The Media Mourn End of Biden-Big Tech Censorship 'Partnership'

Tim Graham

Western Happy Talk Is a Dangerous Business

Ben Shapiro

No, The US Shouldn't Push Israel to Create a Palestinian State

David Harsanyi

Orwell and Monroe Got It Right

Michael Barone

Teaching Terrorists Everywhere that Taking Hostages Works

Terry Paulson

Watch: Marco Rubio Schools Pro-Hamas Code Pink Activist As She Calls for Ceasefire

Rebecca Downs

New Report Reveals Biden Admin Pressured YouTube To 'Crack Down On Vaccine Misinformation'

Sarah Arnold

New Book Details AOC and Nancy Pelosi's Rocky Relationship

Sarah Arnold

Democrat Unleashes Fury on Newsom Ahead of Showdown With DeSantis

Sarah Arnold

Another Democrat Hops On the Trump Train

Sarah Arnold

No 'Plan B' for Democratic Party If Joe Biden Sinks the Election

Sarah Arnold

One Country Outlaws LGBTQ+ Activism

Madeline Leesman

Rewarding Bad Behavior

Laura Hollis

Why We Uphold Conservative Values

Jeff Davidson

Conference of the Parties or Hot Air?

Kristen Walker

Securing Our Borders: A Pragmatic Approach to Emergency Spending

Jenny Beth Martin

The Left Learns the Dangers of Cancel Culture

Frayda Levy

Memento Mori

Erick Erickson

Excerpt: 'The Virtue of Color-Blindness'

Andre Archie

The West Does Not Believe in Itself Anymore

Alan Joseph Bauer

Eliminate Federal Intrusion in Education to Reduce Budget Deficit

Sheri Few

EV Buses—Investors and Taxpayers Beware

David Legates

Even Polls Where Trump Is Trailing Show Bad News for Biden

Rebecca Downs

Here’s Why Students at One Florida School Staged a Walkout

Madeline Leesman

Massie Calls Out Witness During Hearing: 'Your Testimony Is False'

Leah Barkoukis

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Town Forms Militia to Resist Whitmer's Gun Control Laws |
NSSF Slams New Gun Ban Bill: 'Openly Defiant' of the Constitution |
What's Inside the Senate's Latest 'Assault Weapons' Bill? Nothing But Bad News for Gun Owners |
Congress Really Should Restrict CDC's Gun Violence Research |
This Is How Well Massachusetts Gun Control Laws Work |
If You Want Peace, Prepare For War: Why All Should Be Armed |