Behind the Human Rights Watch Curtain: Hate and Corruption
Dedicated to the memory of Robert Bernstein, founder of Human Rights Watch
by Gerald M. Steinberg • December 1, 2023 at 5:00 am
Two major revelations have ripped away the curtain from HRW's moral facade, and revealed a thoroughly corrupt organization.
A week later, a second earthquake ripped through HRW's carefully manicured curtain of secrecy.
In 2009, Roth and HRW started hiding the full list of donors – an early red flag for an NGO claiming a moral agenda.
[A]n independent investigation of all financial activities covering the past 25 years is required, accompanied by the examination of possible violations by Roth, Whitson and others of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The damage done to the moral core of human rights and to Israeli victims of Hamas terrorism is incalculable and irreversible. But an internship or work experience at HRW is no longer an asset, and being listed as a donor in HRW's glossy PR publications is worse than embarrassing.

On October 7, the Palestinian Hamas terror group slaughtered 1,200 Israelis and foreign visitors in a carefully planned massacre that included the brutal torture and disfigurement of victims. Hamas abducted more than 240 other people, including more than 30 children, and took them to the Gaza Strip, holding them as hostages.
Human Rights Watch (HRW), ostensibly one of the world's "most respected" moral organizations, waited more than two days to issue a statement. When this occurred, the text was not a clear and direct condemnation of this monstrous war crime. Instead, Omar Shakir (HRW's Israel and Palestine Director) framed the unfathomably evil terror attack as a justified reaction to Israeli policies, which, in HRW's list of slogans, include war crimes, unprecedented repression, unlawful closure of Gaza, inhumane acts, "domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians," and "crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution."