Embarking on Important Solutions-Based Conversations to Immigration
B Stands for Bipartisanship
Earlier this month, the National Immigration Forum convened a group of faith, law enforcement, national security, and business leaders at the Forum’s annual Leading The Way event. This year, for the very first time, we gathered outside Washington, D.C.,
meeting in Houston, Texas, to discuss a meaningful path forward on immigration. We learned from
Texas leaders about the challenges and opportunities of welcoming immigrants and refugees, and creating space for effective solutions-focused conversations in a border state directly impacted by the consequences of America’s broken and outdated immigration and border policies.
Houston is the most diverse city in the United States and has benefited from its immigrant population in measurable and immeasurable ways. The Forum decided to convene in Houston, because immigrants make up to 25% of the population and contribute significantly to its rich
economy and culture. Additionally, as the largest border state, Texas is key to conversations about the future of immigration in America, particularly ahead of an election year.
Leading the Way speakers initiated important conversations about issues that have become highly politicized, including illicit fentanyl, the U.S.-Mexico border, workforce and economic challenges, and temporary immigration statuses. Showcasing their expertise and inspiring personal stories, speakers explored how bipartisan solutions to such challenges would help create an immigration system that works for Americans and immigrants alike. "Based on a recent Forum polling, 92% of registered voters support bipartisan work that would create a more secure, efficient, and humane border process," said President and CEO, Jennie Murray.
Leading the Way Panel: "In the Absence of Immigration Reforms: How Temporary Protections Present Opportunities & Challenges" (Source: National Immigration Forum)
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