Discover Who You Are


I find myself frequently confronted with inquiries regarding the intricate art of cultivating and enhancing relationships, spanning the spectrum from familial bonds and friendships to professional connections.

Allow me to elucidate three often-overlooked principles vital for nurturing these interpersonal dynamics:

Cultivate a Sense of Urgency: Reflecting upon my personal journey, I recall the periods when my parents, in the autumn of their lives, were only accessible to me twice annually, due to the vast expanse that lay between us. A sobering calculation revealed that should they be granted a life span stretching into their mid-eighties, I might only share their company a mere 20 times more. This realization instills a profound sense of urgency, compelling one to strive for excellence in every shared moment, fully cognizant of the finite nature of our interactions with those we hold dear.

Bestow Precise and Heartfelt Commendation: I implore you to observe your cherished ones with the utmost attention and discernment. And when they manifest behaviors worthy of encouragement, do not hesitate to articulate your admiration with precision and sincerity. Specify the nature of their commendable action, for genuine and well-defined praise serves as a potent catalyst for positive behavioral transformation.

Dissolve the Seeds of Resentment: The insidious presence of resentment can stifle our ability to acknowledge and celebrate the virtues of others. When resentment takes root, we find ourselves reluctant to extend commendation, even when it is rightfully earned, thus inadvertently punishing positive behavior. To truly foster a nurturing relationship, it is imperative to actively work toward dispelling any lingering bitterness.
It is not sufficient to merely allocate time to our relationships; we must also invest our undivided attention and genuine interest in them.

For those on a quest to cultivate meaningful connections and gain profound insights into the complexities of human personality, I present to you my Discovering Personality course. There is less than 48 hours remaining on the final Black Friday sale. This exclusive offer discounts the course by 53%, bringing the price down to just $69.

I invite you to seize this opportunity to embark on a journey of personal and relational enrichment.

Click here to secure your spot and commence your journey towards deeper, more rewarding relationships.

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I look forward to welcoming you on the course,

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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