Dear Taxpayer,
I keep thinking about lab kitten #M209882.
She was purring unknowingly in the face of death:
These are actual lab notes we obtained via a Freedom of Information Act investigation. This proves she was “playful and purring” just days before being killed.
I wish I could be so brave when my time comes. But this isn’t about me.
It’s about the 28 kittens we’re trying to save in a Kentucky laboratory.
We’re struggling to cover the costs of our new rapid response campaign to block the NIH's next round of waterboarding experiments on cats.
Tonight is also a hard deadline set by the federal government itself.
I know times are tough. But if you have a few bucks to spare, I hope you will consider donating to help us end the unnecessary suffering of 28 more cats.
Even $5 (just 18 cents per kitten) will help.
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Jennifer Imhoff Internal Communications Manager |
P.S. Taxpayer, I also know you’ve been very generous recently. So please understand why I’m asking for help again. It’s not because we aren’t grateful for what you’ve done already. It’s just that we don’t have enough money on hand for the extra battle we’re trying to fight. Even $5 will make a big difference.
Taxpayer—Our government is about to destroy an entire colony of kittens in a Kentucky laboratory.
In the next 24 hours, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke—a major NIH grant-maker—is poised to renew funding to waterboard felines, force them to swallow balloons, and kill all 28 cats.
It’s a life-or-death deadline. 28 lives in 24 hours.
And Taxpayer, it’s a hard government deadline.
Stop Payout #R01NS110169.
Save 28 cats.
Taxpayer, our team just uncovered this bizarre NIH-funded experiment at the University of Louisville. And I’ve not been able to get these 28 cats out of my mind ever since.
These are the most disturbing veterinary records I’ve ever read.
Lab cats purring unknowingly in the face of death.
Sometimes purring so loudly that their lungs can’t even be checked by the sadistic white coats in Louisville.
Unless we take immediate action, here’s what will happen:
Stop Payout #R01NS110169.
Save 28 cats.
Taxpayer, the NIH claims this is life-saving research.
Their big, “groundbreaking” discovery? That respiration changes following a spinal cord injury.
As if we didn’t know that already!
Adding insult to injury, NIH admits it has already spent $16.8 million on at least three other cat molestation grants. It’s the worst kind of government WASTE!
Here’s the real problem: the new funding deadline is MIDNIGHT on Thursday. So, we must move faster than ever before to prevent another round of balloon-swallowing and kitten waterboarding in Louisville.
The quickest and most efficient way to end any taxpayer-funded animal experiment is to cut the funding BEFORE it’s renewed. That’s the secret sauce.
Stop Payout #R01NS110169.
Save 28 cats.
White Coat Waste is a Project to get the U.S. government out of the cat and kitten testing business.
Thanks to your donations, our strategy has worked wonders for our feline friends:
Taxpayer, no other group has shut down a single federal cat lab in at least forty years!
Stop Payout #R01NS110169.
Save 28 cats.
We even ended the VA's $1.3 million cat-on-treadmill tests conducted at this very same Louisville lab. That’s why I know we can end these balloon tests now!
We’ve filed multiple Freedom of Information Act requests. We’re running hard-hitting advertisements to mobilize pet owners, taxpayers, and cat lovers.
And we’re building momentum in Congress. A bipartisan amendment to the 2024 spending bill was just introduced to de-fund the NIH’s in-house cat tests!
Unfortunately, we’re going to need a lot more help to save all 28 kittens in the next 24 hours. We just learned about these experiments. And we’re NOT budgeted for this campaign!
So please, please, PLEASE rush whatever you can afford today.
You Give. We Win. They Survive.
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Claudia Taylor Research & Investigations Assistant |
P.S. Taxpayer, 28 lives in 24 hours. If you’re a cat-lover like me...if your pet cat is part of your family like mine is...I beg you to give whatever you can. Here’s your secure link to help them. —Claudia
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