From Taylor, <[email protected]>
Subject Quick Signature to support Native Women’s Equal Pay
Date November 30, 2023 7:21 PM
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Native Women Can't Wait! Sign to support pay equity!
[ [link removed] ]Take Action Now
[ [link removed] ]TAKE ACTION

Dear Friend,

[ [link removed] ]TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to make pay equity for Native women a
priority today and every day by advancing policies that move our nation
toward equal pay!

Did you know November is National Native American Heritage Month? This
month is a time to honor this community as the first stewards of this land
and celebrate the rich history, culture, and traditions of Native people
across the country. And this year, this celebration is punctuated by
Native Women’s Equal Pay Day – the day we lift to rally against the
egregious wage injustices Native women face in the workforce and to raise
awareness about the policy solutions we need to address them.

The current situation has to change. On average, Native women earn only 55
cents for every $1 paid to white men working part-time, full-time, and
part year. [1] For Native moms, it’s just 37 cents because in addition to
sexism, racism and colonialism, moms face additional wage discrimination
and barriers to employment. [ [link removed] ] [2]We cannot allow this gap to persist. We
need bold action to end it. We need Congress to swiftly pass the following
policies that studies show will help close the wage gap:

* The Paycheck Fairness Act, which would modernize and strengthen the
Equal Pay Act of 1963 to better combat pay discrimination and close
the wage gap, including by protecting workers from retaliation for
discussing pay, banning the use of prior salary history, and codifying
pay data collection;
* The Healthy Families Act, which would set a national standard for paid
sick and safe days to allow workers in businesses with 15 or more
employees to earn up to seven job-protected paid sick and safe days
each year, and;
* The FAMILY Act, which would provide workers with up to 12 weeks of
partial income when they take time off from work for their own serious
health condition; the serious health condition of a family member; the
birth, foster placement, or adoption of a child; to address the
effects of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; and for
certain reasons related to military deployment.

[ [link removed] ]TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to make pay equity for Native women a
priority today and every day by advancing policies that move our nation
toward equal pay!

Polls show that the public overwhelmingly supports the passage of fair pay
policies! [3] It’s past time for Congress to act. Native women and their
families urgently need the Paycheck Fairness Act, Healthy Families Act,
and FAMILY Act to close the wage gap and to ensure their economic security
and opportunity.

This is serious. The wage gap persists across every tribe for which data
is available, with Native women experiencing large wage gaps compared to
what white, non-Hispanic men were typically paid in 2022. Yup’ik and
Tohono O’odham women earned only 41 cents and 43 cents, respectively, as
compared to white, non-Hispanic men – they are short changed about $30,000
a year! [ [link removed] ]. In fact, research shows that if nothing changes Native women
stand to lose over 1.1 MILLION DOLLARS over the course of a 40 year
career! [ [link removed] ] 

The economic impact of this colonialism-driven wage gap is felt not only
by individuals and their families but by entire communities. These lost
wages mean Native women have less money to support themselves and their
families, save and invest for the future, and spend on goods and services.
And families, businesses and the economy suffer as a result. [ [link removed] ] This is
not right!

[4]TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to make pay equity for Native women a
priority today and every day by advancing policies that move our nation
toward equal pay!

Native women, their families, and our economy need Congress to support and
pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, Healthy Families Act, and FAMILY Act!
These policies will close the wage gap and pave the way for a more
equitable future where all workers are paid what they rightfully earn.

Together we are a powerful voice for pay equity!

-Taylor, Namatie, Ruth, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising & MamásConPoder



[5][1] IWPR: Native Women will not Reach Pay Equity with White Men until

[6][2] IWPR: Mothers’ Wage Inequities Go Beyond Paid Labor

[ [link removed] ][3][4][6] NPWF: Native Women and the Wage Gap

[ [link removed] ][5] NWLC: Native Women Lose More Than $1.1 Million to the Racist and
Sexist Wage Gap Over a 40-Year Career



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