The Left’s hypocrisy is unacceptable, and we at Shift WA are committed to exposing it. We need your support to amplify our voice and hold our leaders accountable.
Shift Washington


As we close out this month, we are confronted with a stark reality: we are – once again – behind on our monthly fundraising goal.

Please consider supporting our work right now. We need your help to expose the Left for their utter hypocrisy and failed policies.

Most recently, we’ve exposed how Gov. Inslee led a delegation of 25 people to Australia and Tasmania. They racked up a tab of tens of thousands in taxpayer dollars and left an astonishing combined carbon footprint of 112.5 metric tons – equivalent to a person being a vegetarian for 210 years!

The Left’s hypocrisy is unacceptable, and we at Shift WA are committed to exposing it. We need your support to amplify our voice and hold our leaders accountable. Will you donate $100, $50, or even $25 by MIDNIGHT to help us make up our fundraising gap of nearly $500?

Here are three compelling reasons to contribute:
  1. Expose the Truth: Your donation fuels our efforts to uncover and publicize the Left’s many hypocrisies, ensuring that voters are informed about their failed policies and their negative impact on working families.
  2. Demand Accountability: By contributing, you demand accountability from our elected officials. You help put a spotlight on their actions and push for responsible governance.
  3. Shift the Narrative: Your support allows us to counter the mainstream media's silence and bring attention to the real issues. We can only shift the direction of the state with your help.
Donate now and stand with Shift WA!

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team