I was talking with someone the other day about our two-year election cycle, and they observed that those of us elected every two years are always running, always campaigning, always asking. And it’s true. It feels like I’m writing to you about another deadline all the time. And I am. Because we take nothing for granted. And we need to do everything we can to win.
We set deadlines for each week, each month, each quarter, and each year all to support one goal: winning in 2024.
And when I say winning in 2024, I mean making sure that we win in TX-07, and making sure Democrats win up and down the ballot. Because the stakes are too high to do anything else.
Take it from me. I’ve seen the difference in what we can do in Congress when Democrats control the House and a Democrat is in the White House. I’ve also seen what happens when we are not. We have all seen this year the chaos, confusion, and cruelty that characterize the current Congress. We can’t keep going this way. And we can only imagine what will happen if Donald Trump is successful in his effort to return to the White House.
That’s why we are so focused on this campaign on doing all the things we can for 2024. And I want to thank everyone who’s contributed over the past couple of weeks to this effort.
Winning takes all kinds of contributions—knocking on doors, making phone calls, financial support.
Since today is our first end-of-month fundraising deadline since I filed for re-election, I’m hoping you will help us reach our goal by making a financial contribution. You can do that by clicking here.
Together, we can do anything,
