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Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

The current COVID-19 situation requires us all to be thoughtful about convening and attending public events. To protect the health and safety of our communities and out of an abundance of caution, our town hall tomorrow, March 12th, will be postponed to a later date.

All three of us are in daily contact with the Oregon Health Authority and local public health officials who are diligently working around the clock to stop the spread of this disease and protect Oregonians. Due to the sensitive and rapidly changing nature of this public health situation, we are committed to providing regular, timely updates to you as we receive information about COVID-19. We will provide updates to you via social media and email. 

Additionally, we encourage you to use the Oregon Health Authority’s official website to find the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in Oregon. You can also subscribe to receive the latest updates. 

Please review and practice these tips for staying healthy and limiting the spread of the virus:

  • If you feel sick, or develop a cough or fever, stay home from work or school.

  • If you need to seek care from your health care provider, please call ahead so they can inform you of the safest health protocols upon your visit.

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then dispose of that tissue. 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you do not have access to soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched.

  • Take care of your health overall. Staying current on your vaccinations, including flu vaccine, eating well and exercising all help your body stay resilient.

  • Consult CDC’s travel website for any travel advisories and steps to protect yourself if you plan to travel outside of the US.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please email or call our offices. Our contact information, as well as additional resources, are included below.

Senator Wagner

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1719

Email: [email protected]

Representative Prusak 

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1437

Email: [email protected]

Representative Salinas 

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1438

Email: [email protected]

Additional Resources: 

Senator Merkley’s Coronavirus Resource Page

Clackamas County Public Health has an Infectious Disease division that is working full time and is on call 24/7 to prevent the further spread of infectious diseases like the coronavirus. They are closely monitoring the situation and are available to contact should you have any questions about the localized response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Public Health Department of Multnomah County also has a wealth of resources on the 2020 coronavirus outbreak.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. 


Representative Rachel Prusak

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