International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
By Global Coalition to End Child Poverty
On 17 October, the world observed the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP). This year’s IDEP theme was “Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity in Practice for All.” Led by ATD Fourth World and partners, a commemoration event took place at the United Nations Secretariat in New York with the participation of young speakers, people with lived experience of poverty, and representatives of international organizations, among others. Watch the event recording.
To mark this important theme of the day, the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty called on Governments, businesses, and the International Community to:
- Expand access to inclusive social protection, including child benefits and programmes that are shock responsive and can be rapidly scaled up during conflicts and crises.
- Promote inclusive childcare and parental support systems, including paid parental leave and accessible and quality childcare.
- Promote a decent work agenda, including ensuring every worker has access to social protection and adequate living wages and young people receive relevant education and training opportunities. Find out more.
Children bear the brunt of stalled progress on extreme poverty reduction worldwide
By UNICEF and World Bank
An estimated 333 million children globally – or 1 in 6 – live in extreme poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2.15 per day, according to a new UNICEF and World Bank analysis. Global Trends in Child Monetary Poverty According to International Poverty Lines – which for the first time looks at trends in extreme child poverty – finds that while the number of children living on less than US$2.15 a day decreased from 383 million to 333 million (or 13 per cent) between 2013 and 2022, the economic impact of COVID-19 led to three lost years of progress, or 30 million fewer children than projected in the absence of COVID-19-related disruptions. Read more.
News highlights and events
Mapping Child Poverty: Using machine learning to provide a more Granular Picture of Child Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
By Save the Children
One billion children live in multidimensional poverty, but traditional data sources often leave us in the dark about where poor children live. Save the Children has been working with fellows from the University of Warwick's Data Science for Social Good initiative and UNICEF to fill this data gap, producing the first-time micro-estimates of multidimensional child poverty across Sub-Saharan Africa. Check out the map.
Good News or Bad News for Africa: Recent Trends in Monetary Child Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
The analysis reveals the good news that the percentage of African children living in extreme poverty has declined, even given the pandemic of 2020. This fact serves as a reminder that progress can be made even in the most challenging circumstances. However, the rest of the world has made more rapid progress toward the achievement of the SDG target to eradicate extreme child poverty by 2030. As a result, the share of extremely poor children in the world has become dramatically more concentrated in Africa. Read more.
Forging renewed commitments towards eradicating extreme poverty
By Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN)/Institute of Development Studies
On 27 and 28 September 2023, the Centre for the Study of Global Development at the Open University hosted the international workshop ‘Poverty Reduction: Rethinking Policy and Practice.’ Co-hosted by the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network at the Institute of Development Studies and supported by the Development Studies Association and EADI networks, the hybrid workshop welcomed 45 participants from around the world to discuss the current situation and share ideas for getting back on track towards ending extreme poverty. Here are some key takeaways.
Eurochild members meet Child Guarantee National Coordinators and share their priorities to fight child poverty
By Eurochild
Eurochild and its member Plataforma de Infancia held a parallel event to the European Presidency Child Guarantee Coordinators Meeting in Valencia on 3 November to reinforce European commitments and public policies for vulnerable children. Find out more.
How do we support the world’s poorest countries? | The development podcast
The International Development Association (IDA) is the arm of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries—75 to be exact. This episode of The Development Podcast explores how IDA works across the world on a range of key development issues and priorities with the help of some key partners. Tune in.
Young people’s perspectives
By ATD Fourth World
Created by Child Identity, these video clips highlight the struggles of young people from ATD Fourth World who have lived experiences of poverty. Because povertyism in the UK increases the odds of social services removing a child from their parents into either foster care or a contested closed adoption, their purpose in making this video series is to draw attention to the harm done to children's identities when they are removed in this way. They were invited to make these videos to build on the evidence they submitted to the UN on behalf of the UK Coalition to End Child Poverty.
Collaboration is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goals
By Arigatou International
With seven and half years left to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is even a greater need to leave no one behind. Recognizing the incredible power of cooperation, the Trilateral Partnership of Regional Faith-based Networks for the SDGs from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean held a high-level event on 18 September during the 2023 SDG Summit in New York, USA. Find out more.
“Poverty takes away the right to childhood”: Children’s perceptions of poverty in 4 EU Member States
By Eurochild
The report provides an overview of child poverty on the ground in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, and Malta, and it brings children’s voices into the conversation on child poverty, reminding them that children have a right to share their perspectives.
→ Read more.
Interrogating dynamic, intersecting inequalities in education amidst armed conflict
By CPAN/Institute of Development Studies
This paper examines challenges and responses to undertaking intersectional research related to poverty and education in contexts of violent conflict.
→Read the full article.
Understanding Young Women’s Pathways to Economic Empowerment and Resilience in Rural Contexts
By Plan International
This study aims to better understand the economic development and resilience of young women (aged 15 – 24) in rural contexts through a holistic analysis of personal, social, and economic factors in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nepal. It explores the factors that facilitate or hinder rural young women from accessing labor markets and self-employment while gaining insights into economic resilience. The report also contributes to bridging the evidence gap on rural female youth as a demographic group in women’s economic empowerment and resilience literature.
→ Read the report for more.
Report Card 18 – Child poverty amidst wealth
In keeping with UNICEF's mandate to advocate for every child, the Office of Research of UNICEF produces Report Card series focusing on the well-being of children in industrialized countries. Each Report Card includes a league table ranking the countries of the OECD according to their record on the subject under discussion. Watch this space for the launch of Report Card 18 soon.
Climate change and child poverty as we approach the climate change conference, COP28
On 9 December 2023, UNICEF, in partnership with the World Bank, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Red Cross Climate Centre is organizing a panel conversation on "Adaptive Social Protection: a critical measure to respond to Loss and Damages for children and other vulnerable groups”. This event is supported by the USP 2030 Working Group on Social Protection and Climate Change. Please register to join us.
On 4 December, the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty will launch a new analysis, highlighting that children and their families living in poverty contribute the least to the climate crisis – yet the crisis severely impacts them. Children are more vulnerable than adults to climate shocks, as even short periods of poverty and deprivation caused by climate shocks in childhood - can have lifelong consequences. Read more.
Subsequently, a policy brief, ‘Weathering the Storm,’ focusing on the impact of climate shocks on children’s nutrition, growth, and skills development, will be launched by Young Lives.
Have ideas on what to include in the future Child Poverty newsletter?
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.