John, in a few moments, I’m going to ask you to trust me with your grassroots contribution of $20 or $30. But first, let me explain why.

I’m running for Congress to replace one of the worst representatives in Congress right now: George Santos.

He’s a liar, he’s a dangerous extremist, and he’s an embarrassment to our district.

But John, I’m not just in this race to make a point — I’m in this race to WIN.

I’ve won tough races before, and I know I can do it again.

You see, when I ran for New York Senate, I was up against a well-established incumbent Republican. He was well-known and well-funded.

But John, I won.

I won by speaking to the issues that matter to the district, by building a grassroots movement, and by working hard to represent the very best of our district.

So I know that we can win this race. But I need your help. I have a critical fundraising deadline TONIGHT at midnight — and this is the last time I’m going to reach out before the deadline passes. So please, will you donate a few dollars to my campaign? I promise, you can trust me to put your valuable dollars to good use for this district and this country.


Thank you for granting me your trust.

Anna Kaplan


Anna Kaplan is running to unseat George Santos in New York's 3rd District. To learn more about Anna, watch her brand new campaign ad here, and please consider donating to her campaign. If you believe you received this message in error, please unsubscribe at the bottom. 
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Anna Kaplan for New York
130 Shore Road
P.O. Box 116
Port Washington, NY 11050
United States
Paid for by Anna Kaplan for New York