Carl Marlinga for Congress

I'll be honest, JOHN I'm going to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign before our end-of-month deadline at midnight. But first, I want to explain why your donation and this race is so important.

My opponent John James, has championed an extremist agenda ahead of the issues that matter most to Michiganders. He even voted to permit drilling in the Great Lakes, which raises the question – does he even know the area he represents?

If James was actually from the 10th district – and not Farmington Hills – he would know better.

But look, we're in a very strong position to win this election and flip MI-10's district seat. Last year, we came up only 1,600 votes short and our race has been called the third-most competitive House seat in the country.

Here's the catch: James has already raised $2.4 million this year and he's not going to slow down. We need to have the resources to build a well-oiled campaign machine, and I need your help.

If you're with me, I'm asking you to make a contribution to our campaign to help flip our battleground seat. Every dollar – whether it's $5 or $50 – makes a difference before our end-of-month deadline tonight at midnight.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

$5 »
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Other »

Letting John James and his far-right agenda continue unchecked would be a disaster for Michigan.

Thanks for being on our team,
