News from ​Congresswoman Kathy Manning


Dear John,

Thank you for subscribing to my Congressional newsletter. It is my pleasure to represent you in Congress. Read on for more information about the work my team and I are doing for you in Washington, D.C. and in North Carolina's Sixth Congressional District. 



Kathy Manning
Member of Congress

Honoring the Triad's Veterans

Well-Spring's Annual Veterans Day Celebration


Congresswoman Manning spoke at the Well-Spring Retirement Community's Veterans Day celebration to honor local veterans and share her immense gratitude for their service to our nation. 

"I thank each of you for defending the American people, American values, and American Democracy.

"The history of our nation and of the world would be markedly different if it weren’t for your service. 

"As your Member of Congress, I am deeply committed to ensuring veterans have access to the care they need once they return from active duty and ensure that high quality care is available for the entirety of their lives," said Congresswoman Manning.

Wreath Laying Ceremony for Veterans at St. Paul's AME Cemetary 


Alongside local members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Congresswoman Manning attended a wreath laying ceremony at St. Paul’s AME Cemetery, a historic African American cemetery in Kernersville. 

Pleasant Garden Veterans Ceremony

Congresswoman Manning spoke at Pleasant Garden's veterans ceremony ahead of Veterans Day. She reocgnized two World War II veterans in attendance. 


Those recognized included George Duncan, Sgt Battery C of the 547th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, who served under George S. Patton, and fought at the Battle of the Bulge – the last German offense on the Western front and a famous battle that was critical in shaping the outcome of World War II.

At the event, Congresswoman Manning celebrated Mr. Duncan's 100th birthday.
She also recognized Mr. Lee Isenhour, who fought valiantly during World War II.

NC-06 Visits

Grand Opening of the Kernersville State Veterans Home

ImageImage: Allison Lee Isley, Journal Now 

Congresswoman Manning attended the grand opening of the North Carolina State Veterans Home Facility in Kernersville, North Carolina. Congresswoman Manning has continuously advocated on behalf of local veterans regarding the opening of the facility.

“I’m ecstatic to see that the State Veterans Home in Kernersville is ready to open its doors to Sixth District veterans. As the second-largest facility in the state, with 120 beds in private rooms, this facility will provide local veterans with high-quality care,” said Congresswoman Manning

John Deere's Kernersville Manufacturing Plant


John Deere is investing $69 million to build an electric battery plant in Kernersville, neighboring its existing production plant– a huge development that will add over 50 good-paying jobs.

“It was my pleasure to visit John Deere’s manufacturing plant in Kernersville to learn more about the extensive welding and innovative manufacturing process they use to build an incredible variety of excavators, used in small, medium, and large-scale contracting projects. It was exciting to see how many good-paying jobs John Deere provides and to learn about their commitment to their employees, as well as the company’s history and plans for future expansion. I will continue to be a steadfast advocate in Congress for bolstering American manufacturing,” said Congresswoman Manning. 

Read more about her visit here

Summit Rotary Club Featured Guest Speaker
The Summit Rotary Club invited Congresswoman Manning to speak to the club, a group of 115 members dedicated to community service in Greensboro and surrounding communities. 
Congresswoman Manning was excited to share an update on recent actions in Congress, her successes bringing home federal dollars to the Sixth District, and to meet with community members. 
R.D. Graham Electric, LLC National Apprenticeship Week Celebration
To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, Congresswoman Manning attended an event hosted by R.D Graham Electric, a company located in North Carolina's Sixth District. 
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), federal legislation that Congresswoman Manning has proudly supported in Congress, funds their impressive apprenticeship program to train workers in the Triad. 
Congresswoman Manning is a strong advocate for apprenticeship and worker training programs in Congress and serves as Chair of the New Democrat Coalition's Workforce Development Task Force.

Bringing Federal Funding Home to NC-06

Guilford College Recieves Grant from the Economic Development Association

Congresswoman Manning announced that Guilford College has been awarded over $218,000 in federal funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). 


These federal dollars will support Guilford College’s effort to foster new technology-based economic development initiatives and entrepreneurship across Guilford County.

$39.4 Million for North Carolina A&T State University to Create a Regional Semiconductor Hub

Congresswoman Manning was excited to announce that $39.4 million was authorized through the CHIPs and Science Act of 2022 for North Carolina A&T State University to construct a regional semiconductor hub. Congresswoman Manning helped to pass the CHIPs and Science Act through Congress. 

A&T will create this hub with several partners across the state, including North Carolina State University, Wolfspeed, and General Electric. Read more about this project here

News from Washington, DC

Manning Speaks at Rally on the National Mall to Support Jewish Community and Call for Release of Hostages

Over 290,000 Americans - including hundreds from North Carolina and North Carolina's Sixth District - came to DC to show their support for the Jewish community worldwide and for Israel. 


Congresswoman Manning was proud to stand with them and to recite a prayer for Israel and call for a release of the hostages. Watch Congresswoman Manning speak at the rally here.  

Manning Reintroduces Bill to Cap Out-of-Pocket Prescription Costs for Patients

Congresswoman Manning reintroduced her Capping Prescription Costs Act, legislation to save families and individuals money on their medications and lower prescription drug costs.


One in four Americans taking a prescription drug reported difficulty affording their medications and three in ten of all adults reported not taking their medications as prescribed at some point in the past year because of the cost.

The Capping Prescription Costs Act will take proactive steps to protect Americans from rising prescription drug costs by limiting cost-sharing for prescriptions under marketplace health plans and group health plans to $250 per month for an individual and $500 per month for a family.

Read more here

Manning Calls for a Bipartisan Border Security Package
Congresswoman Manning joined fellow members of the New Democrat Coalition in urging Congressional leadership to bring forward a bipartisan border security package. 
The letter reads in part“As members of the New Democrat Coalition, we understand emergency funding is necessary to secure our border, ensure a humane and orderly immigration process, and stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States… Securing our nation’s southern border is a bipartisan goal, and the shared responsibility of all members of Congress. We ask that you swiftly bring this important package to a vote in the Senate.”
Read the full letter here.

Manning Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

This month, Congresswoman Manning celebrated the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, a historic investment in the nation’s infrastructure that Congresswoman Manning helped to pass in the 117th Congress.

“In the two years since President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, it has strengthened transportation safety, boosted our economy, and created more livable communities—all while creating good-paying, clean-energy jobs. What’s more, the law has supercharged North Carolina’s and the Triad’s rapidly growing clean-energy economy by boosting electric vehicle manufacturing and investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure,” said Congresswoman Kathy Manning.

On the week of the anniversary, Congresswoman Manning met with leaders from the North Carolina Public Transit Association in her DC office to talk about the importance of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the need for continued investments in safe, accessible, and clean-energy transit options.
Read more about investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in North Carolina and the Sixth District here. 

Manning Hosts Anti-Defamation League CEO for Roundtable Discussion

Congresswoman Manning and Congressman Smith (R-NJ), co-chairs of the House Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, hosted Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), to brief Task Force members on ADL’s recent report on antisemitic incidents in the aftermath of the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. 


Between October 7th and October 23rd, ADL recorded 312 antisemitic incidents in the United States, marking a 388 percent increase over the same period last year. Read more about the ADL’s data here.

Read more about the event here

Votes in Congress

Manning Votes to Avert a Government Shutdown

Congresswoman Manning voted for H.R. 6363, a Continuing Resolution (CR) to extend government funding at FY2023 levels to avert a government shutdown.

H.R. 6363 is a “laddered” CR that extends current funding levels by splitting federal agency funding into two divisions:

Division A extends funding for Agriculture- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (VA), and Transportation-Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) through January 19, 2024.

Division B extends funding for the remaining federal agencies, including Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), through February 2, 2024. 

Read Congresswoman Manning's statement here and below: 


Manning Statement on Conditioned Aid Package for Israel

Congresswoman Manning serves as Vice Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. She released the following statement on the House Republican’s proposed aid package for Israel, which conditioned the aid with cutting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding and did not include aid for Ukraine. 

"Today the new Speaker of the House showed how dangerous a MAGA extremist can be in the Speaker’s chair.  He took an issue that I have been working to support for 30 years – strong bipartisan support for our critically important democratic ally, the State of Israel – and turned it into a partisan ploy by requiring the requested emergency aid for Israel to be tied to a $12.5 billion cut in funding to the IRS. And he refused to bring a bill to the floor that also included critical aid to Ukraine, another democracy that is fighting for its survival, or to include much needed humanitarian aid for innocent Palestinians who are being used by Hamas as human shields. My objections to the Speaker’s political gamesmanship are fourfold. 

"First, emergency aid to Israel has never been conditioned and should never be a bargaining chip for domestic budget cuts. This is particularly important at a time when Israel has experienced a gruesome attack by Hamas terrorists, who committed unspeakable atrocities resulting in the death of more than 1400 civilians, including Americans, and is holding 240 innocent people hostage. 

"Second, support of Israel has always been strongly bipartisan, and this Speaker should not be allowed to drive a wedge between the parties on this critical issue.

"Third, by refusing to include aid to Ukraine, the Speaker is putting at risk the ability of Ukraine to weaken and defeat Russia. This is especially egregious when we know Russia is meeting with Hamas leadership and buying weapons from Iran, adding to the funds Iran uses to support terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah. Enabling Russia to strengthen Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah in their quest to destroy Israel could not be more dangerous.

"Finally, the IRS funding cut the Speaker included will not “pay for” the emergency aid to Israel. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the IRS cut would actually increase the deficit by depriving the IRS of staff needed to go after high wealth and large corporate tax cheats. It will also deprive the IRS of the staff to go after cyber-enabled funding of terrorist groups like Hamas.

"I have always stood strongly with the state of Israel. My record speaks for itself.  I encourage the Senate to send the House a bill with unconditional emergency aid to Israel, Ukraine and humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, so that we can provide our democratic allies with the support they need for their survival."

ICYMI: Congresswoman Manning in the News

NC Newsline: U.S. Rep. Kathy Manning on efforts to avoid a government shutdown and her future in Congress

News Observer: NC lawmaker leads crowd in prayer as Democrats and Republicans vow to support Israel

Journal Now: New veterans home opens in Kernersville 

Constituent Services

Congresswoman Manning's Constituent Services Liaisons can assist you with troubles you may have regarding federal agencies. 

Cases Congresswoman Manning's office handles include but are not limited to: 

  • Help receiving medical care at the VA
  • Immigration services
  • IRS Inquiries and concerns
  • Military awards and commendations
  • Service academy nominations
  • Medicare benefits
  • Passports (please submit requests for renewals SIX months in advance)

For more information about passport renewal, click here.

If you are requiring help from the District office, please contact them at (336) 333-5005, or submit a casework claim here.


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