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John, I know you get a lot of these emails, so I’ll cut the crap:
My friend and former Senate counsel, Josh Riley, is running for Congress… AND he has a huge deadline coming up at the end of the month.
His race in NY-19 was just rated one of the most competitive in the country, and a must-win for Dems to take back the House.
His opponent, Marc Molinaro, is a real jerk (I could say something worse, but we’re keeping this PG). He’s voted to restrict abortion access, kill clean energy jobs, and he just said his constituents were too stupid to even know or care about what he’s doing in DC.
Marc Molinaro is a joke, and it’s not funny. Split a donation between Josh Riley and CommonGood USA ahead of their big deadline to give Molinaro the boot and send my friend to Congress.
P.S. Believe me, I could keep going but I know you’re busy. So give to Josh right now, then go back to doing whatever you were doing before you opened this email!